

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Ah, the melee meta post? I read through that thing.

Yeah, the forums are like this. There’s a general crowd that vehemently defends keeping everything exactly the same. Problem is, they aren’t necessarily concerned with proving themselves right, so they’ll result to troll logic and petty insults first.

Your story isn’t unique. In fact, it is quite a common occurrence on the forums: someone has an issue with how something is done in the game, they go to the forums to talk about it, then they get yelled at by “vets” and “leets” insisting that nothing is wrong until they leave. Of course, the vets and leets bounce between near identical threads on the issue and keep insisting nothing is wrong in spite of so many complaints.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


While ignoring feedback, dodging questions and constantly mocking other users you weren’t any better at all.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Just stay away from the speed runners, and you should be fine. Your case is different, but I always cringe when I see a post like “Help me with my dungeon flamethrower build” getting response like “Don’t use FT nub use bombs and get gud”. Hell, just let people play the game the way they want to!


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Ah, the melee meta post? I read through that thing.

Yeah, the forums are like this. There’s a general crowd that vehemently defends keeping everything exactly the same. Problem is, they aren’t necessarily concerned with proving themselves right, so they’ll result to troll logic and petty insults first.

Your story isn’t unique. In fact, it is quite a common occurrence on the forums: someone has an issue with how something is done in the game, they go to the forums to talk about it, then they get yelled at by “vets” and “leets” insisting that nothing is wrong until they leave. Of course, the vets and leets bounce between near identical threads on the issue and keep insisting nothing is wrong in spite of so many complaints.

Whew! Thank you for the good response. I was worried that I would get more trolling XD. Maybe I should just stay away from the profession balance and dungeon forums… and avoid sensitive issues (like any flaws I find in the game… cough bugs cough). Again, thank you for the great response!

uhhh, “good response”? Blood Red Arachnid made a post blithely dismissing anyone who disagrees with a suggestion to change the game, as ‘“vets” and “leets”’ who all use ‘troll logic and petty insults.’

If there are, as he stated, other near identical threads on the same subject, then new posters should continue those discussions instead of starting new threads. Making new threads about the same old things, and demanding new answers each time, only serves to annoy posters who have had to deal with the same arguments a dozen times before. Admittedly, the lack of a working forum search feature exacerbates this problem, but there have been plenty of cases of someone making a thread on the same topic as one halfway down the same page.

The fact that a “flaw” is self-evident to you, does not mean other people see it as such. You come to the forums for a discussion, then expect to run into other people with opinions. If you’re met with an overwhelming amount of negative feedback, it might be that what you’ve suggested is simply a bad idea.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


It’s funny when people say, “Let me know what you guys think!” when they don’t really.

There is trolling, and then there is disagreement. You would do better to not conflate the two.

(edited by Nokaru.7831)


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Interesting thread. You might want to work on being a bit more open to discussion yourself and you might find people more willing to join in. Walls of text that sum up to “Yeah well I think i’m right” don’t really make for a good discussion.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


A good dialogue requires both sides to actually listen and not be hostile (or passive-aggressively hostile). Usually that works fine here. Sometimes it doesn’t.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Hey, I heard you were looking for toxic elitists so I thought I’d say hi.


wow. 300 sec flood control. Guess being a toxic member of the community has some drawbacks after all.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hybrid.5027


A dialogue and constructive discussion requires both parties to be debating in good faith and also have a relatively equal understanding of the issues.. One party, yours, seemed not to understand the systems they were advocating change to, and also was not debating in good faith by refusing to defend points and not offering responses to honest inquiry.

I know who I am, do you know who you are?