Underflow servers

Underflow servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Is there any thoughts on using the overflow technology in reverse? Instead of spreading people from an overpopulated map do the opposite, join players from underpopulated maps to a single servers so there will be more people for the bigger events.
Some high level maps, or if you are playing outside peak hours, can be sometimes a little empty. I noticed that yesterday night, when playing on a 50-60 map. I saw 2-3 other characters during the course of a hour.
It would be cool to have a similar system that manages overflow, but instead band together players so you can do all the content pretty much anytime of the day.

Underflow servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Have not had this issue yet but I am worried about the future of the game and when I wish to make other alts. In a few months time when everyone is max level then a lot of zones will be empty, I can only but agree.

Underflow servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: adragon.1234


The idea is, as long as you’re on a populated server, that because of scaling, players of higher levels will easily be found playing side by side lower level players. So you should never find that the low level zones are ghost towns, however they might not be as populated as they were at launch. Either way Events scale with the number of players that are contributing.

At the moment server populations are still out of wack, and they’re working to balance them out, partly by making Server Transfers free until they are balanced. After the free transfers go away guesting should be enabled, meaning you’ll have more players from other servers playing on yours, so that will keep the population around the various zones stable as well.

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