Underleveled and lagging.
Ok, just doing a starting zone wont level you up, almost everything in this game will give you XP (wich is a very good thing imo) but it means that traditional playing isn’t working. out of the 20 things to do when getting xp you need to do atleast 5 of them.
What I do is when I start a new character.
1: start it
2: decide on my first weapon and unlock all skills for it by killing the lowest foes
3: go into town and get all waypoints, poi’s and vista and do the same for all other towns.
By that time I’ll be lvl 12-ish and I start my race statrting area, making sure I get every weapon for my profession and unlock the skills asap.
After 100% completion of my racial area and personal story’s I am soo much ahead I can go almost everywhere cause of the headstart when doing all the towns.
Do not think in the box but outside. almost everything you do gives XP…
Arise, opressed of Tyria!