(edited by Vinven.6578)
Used scroll to hit level 20.
Make your way to the nearest city and find a trading post.
Search for Level 20 masterwork armor and weapons for your class. You can buy it for much less than 2 gold.
Look for NPCs in a city or outpost that have the helmet/sword symbols as a map markers. They vend white armour which you can buy at level 20 for very little money – this will at least allow you to do enought damage to kill things and get loot drops, which should be blue and green level and you can begin to replace your white set.
Alternatively you can look up a cheap level 20 blue or green set on the TP and either buy for the asking price or put in a lower bid and wait for someone to fill it.
Not sure which of the two option would be cheaper for you, but there probably isn’t much in it.
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Go to Queensdale and ask in /map where the train is. Join the large group of players that move from boss to boss. You will get credit for the kills and get good loot no matter how bad your current gear is. Do this until you get bored. You’ll likely have gained a few levels. Use the money that you have made to buy new gear.
Alternatively check everything you get as loot while doing hearts, events and personal story quests.
With the way the down-levelling system works a lot of the drops you get, even when doing lower level content, will be appropriate to your current level so you can use those. Especially since at lower levels it doesn’t really matter what stats you’ve got on your armor so they don’t all need to match up.
It saves a lot of hassle and a bit of money over selling the drops and then buying something virtually identical from the Trading Post or a merchant.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Also remember that the hearts turn into shops when they are filled- in some cases you can get pretty cool gear that way.
don’t forget to get some food for extra toughness/ vitality and some xp bonus if you are a squishy class.
but really 2 gold is plenty when I hit 80 on my first character back in the day I had a grand total of 57 silver to my name
You can also buy WvW gear from the karma trader in your Borderland’s Citadel (by the Laurel vendor).
It’s cheap and effective gear that can be used in PvE or WvW.
Also – this list is useful.
Sorry to steal the post but real quick? A lot of the times after I do a heart quest, the NPC who has the heart has the option to buy karma items, but after awhile they no longer sell it? Is there anyway I can go back and buy items from the NPCs?
They should continue to sell it forever once you unlock the vendor. You do have to be on the character that unlocked it.
Sorry to steal the post but real quick? A lot of the times after I do a heart quest, the NPC who has the heart has the option to buy karma items, but after awhile they no longer sell it? Is there anyway I can go back and buy items from the NPCs?
Heart NPCs remain as vendors forever after completing the heart. You might be confusing them with some event NPCs that also turn into vendors after event completion.
The heart NPCs will have a heart icon above their head along with the karma symbol.