Utility Infusion MF vs GF
gold find for dungeon farming (many bosses give 10+s)
magic find for any other kind of farming (lodestones/des)
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
Doing a dungeon of two a week with the gold infusion will provide a greater benefit that the MF infusion. This is just my opinion on what I have observed.
Oh, I completely forgot about dungeons! Even a few runs should start to benefit more than MF eh? Sounds good! I used to run dungeons quite often, I may have to play a few more now. Thanks! Gold find sounds better in the long run since MF seems to screw me over often, at least I know this is more guaranteed. Thanks!
It all depends on what you do. If you do Orr more often than dungeons then you may be better off with MF. The problem I see is that you can never know if the additional MF was actually the reason you got a decent drop due to RNG.
I agree. I’ve farmed in Orr with and without an MF set and there wasn’t much of a difference. I got all terrible loot most of the time so I think I will be better off with the gold find.
Why not go with a boost that will allow you to farm faster instead of trying to get more loot per drop?
What do you mean? Do you mean like a stat boost rather than a utility slot?
The stat boost is pitiful. If you don’t intend on doing fractals, go with utility instead
That is why I went with utility But I would like to know what he meant. Perhaps I missed something or misunderstood.
That is why I went with utility
But I would like to know what he meant. Perhaps I missed something or misunderstood.
+5 in power cannot do anything to your farming capabilities, not when you’re level 80 anyway
Even if you go full on ascended accessories, at max you’ll only get 30 power/precision. Considering that you’ll need 21 precision to gain 1% crit chance, and 30 power is really not that great at level 80, you can simply infuse 6 Magic Find gears and laugh while the lesser beings have to make do with omnomberry bars.
When you farm, you usually are not alone. The most important part in farming is tagging, not killing. Best have lots of MF gear and let concentrated fire from all participants do the killing
I totally agree. When farming, I focus on tagging with my party. I have one question regarding what you said though. “you can simply infuse 6 Magic Find gears” What do you mean by this? I thought the only Ascended Gear that has utility slot is the amulet slot.
Do the GF infusions stack – so if you slot 4 across diff oieces you will get +100% gold gain from monsters?
I assume they would, but I was under the impression that only amulets have a utility slot. Because of that, that means you can only infuse with GF once. Or am I mistaken?
Ah yeah looking thro the vendor, only amulets I can see have utility