Utility Skills

Utility Skills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zomia.7498



Do we only get 5 of them, the whole game are do we get all 8 of them later on.

I’m asking this, since i would like to know.

Utility Skills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asum.4960



It’s very easy to get all the skills later on, just by completing skill challenges when you stumble over them.

The x/5 is a restriction to pass on to the next layer of utility skills, to a) motivate you to try out a few skills instead of picking the ones you think might suit you the best and just sticking to them while not getting the full potential of your class and b) not to overwhelm you with tons of skills,

and not a restriction in how many you can get in total by any means.

Utility Skills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RAiD.3649


If you get enough skill points you can buy all of your slot skills. I’m

I’ve full cleared all the zones I’ve done so far except Lion’s Arch and the WvW maps. You can solo all of the Skill Challenges. At least, as a Necromancer you can :P I can’t speak to any other class.

int Fact (int n) {
int temp; if (n <= 1) return 1;
temp = n * Fact(n – 1); return temp; }

Utility Skills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kal.2376


Not 100% sure what you mean. If it is the amount of skills you have available at one time, it is fixed.

You have 5 weapon skills, 1 heal skill, 3 utility skills, and 1 elite skill for a total of 10. You can use more skill points later on, and you can change skills anytime you want (outside combat) without any cost or penalty. You will get more skills points so you can learn all the skills if you want.

Utility Skills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


You can unlock all skill points. (Even if you don’t clear every zone) Once you hit 80 you continue to level and are awarded skill points instead of actually leveling up.

I like waffles.