Versatility across the whole game

Versatility across the whole game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: illrepute.2194


I’m curious about people’s opinions on the most versatile class in the most areas of the game.

What class has the most available options, playstyles, and builds while remaining effective in WvW, SPvP, and PvE/dungeons? I’m not asking what is OP, just what class is generally effective no matter what and is accepted as such by the community (engis get a lot of hate it seems, I can’t comment as to there effectiveness though).

I’m leaning towards Mesmer or Engineer as the answer here. I could be completely wrong though.

I have a lot of trouble with making alts all the time, but I don’t have time to support them. I will see someone do something cool in one area of the game and then I’ll start an alt. In the end though, I never progress any characters at all. I want to set my hand to one character and actually progress. Like many others though, I’m having a lot of trouble deciding. Any opinions?

Versatility across the whole game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Warrior, Mesmer, Guardian, and Elementalist are generally seen as the most effective in all areas. Thieves are good in PvP and WvW, but are a bit weak in PvE/dungeons. Rangers are often seen as too dependent on bad pet AI for a significant chunk of their damage.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Versatility across the whole game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mapokl.3167


What class has the most available options, playstyles, and builds while remaining effective in WvW, SPvP, and PvE/dungeons?

There is only 1 class like that. A warrior with general bar(5 signets) in CoF berserk gear with gs on both weapon sets. Remember to choose Nord od Charr as race, because they have THE BIGGEST Swords.

Just to note. There is no build of any class that is effective in WvW, sPvP and PvE at the same time.

You can compromise between WvW and PvE build so you don’t have to switch traits but it will be exacly that… a compromise.

I played warrior the most but i think all classes have a lot of different builds. On warrior there are build for huge dps, some for durable builds that can take a lot, you can go support and healing with banners or shouts, and many builds in-between. You can also try for ranged warrior with rifle or longbow(or both). Never tried it but there is nothing holding you…

(edited by mapokl.3167)

Versatility across the whole game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


Thieves have good dps and a wide variety of utility also, like more or less every question on professions it mostly comes down to personal preference, you won’t find a profession thats good at absolutely everything at the same time, but you’ll find that some professions play in a way that you can enjoy yourself in most aspects with a little fiddle here and there.