Veteran Risen Abominations...

Veteran Risen Abominations...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glenstorm.4059


…how do you kill them alone?!

I’m leveling a new Necromancer. I’m level 32 and just started doing Gendarran Fields. There’s an escort event near the swamp where you have to help a guy (Duncan the Durable?) and his dolyak to the bridge. There’s a part where you’re swamped by hordes of Risen near an Arrow Cart, and then a Veteran Risen Abomination spawns. I can handle the Risen mobs solo pretty well, and I use the Arrow Cart to soften them up from a distance, but when that Abomination spawns it gets to 25 stacks of Frenzy in like half a minute, and it keeps one-shotting me when that happens.

I’m using Axe/Focus and Staff, with Spectral Armor, Signet of the Locust and Well of Suffering as my Utilities.

Help me kill these dang things.

Fear the might of SHATTERSTONE.

Veteran Risen Abominations...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Serval.6458


If you can stop it landing hits to build up frenzy then they can be kited or killed in melee by dodging slow attacks, but if the npcs let it beat on them to build up stacks there isn’t much you can do (except maybe let them die, disengage and wait for the stacks to expire.)

Veteran Risen Abominations...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KSQK.3485


The Veteran Risen Abomination is really difficult to kill. But in keep in note that their dash that knocks you back and make you take a lot of damage is fairly easily to dodge and the Risen Abomination gives a large warning (pounding on their chest with a large roar) when they are going to do that dash.

As mentioned above, they can be easily kited and their attacks are quite slow, so dodging them shouldn’t be a problem. Note that since they are “unstoppable”, meaning that they cannot be slowed, snared, stunned, crippiled, etc. in any way.

If you still have trouble fighting the Risen Abomination, consider summoning minions as a meat shield to help take him down.

Veteran Risen Abominations...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danicco.3568


Don’t use minions or any kind of pets.

Learn their attacks (if they’re like Champion Aboms):
#1: Regular Smash in a Diagonal Swing
#2: Stomp, charges the club from behind
#3: Throw his club forward and dashes

Attacks #1 and #2 can be avoided simply by walking in circles around it.
After you get the timing of it, you can even stand still, and start walking when it begins it’s attack animation, avoiding the attack without even wasting a dodge.
Attack #3 is a bit trickier because it’s hard to avoid with walking only, so be prepared to see the movement and dodge to avoid it.

As you keep avoiding it’s attacks, it’ll never get Frenzy stacks, a buff that makes it attack faster and stronger.
If an accident happen, or if someone sends a pet or starts tanking and it starts stacking Frenzy stacks like crazy, just run from it, wait for them to die, and go back to soloing it.

Veteran Risen Abominations...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Knijus.3278


Thanks for the help on here. I’ve realized that it’s just not possible to kill with a scepter/pistol (mesmer). I continued to die to this thing over and over just completely shocked that I couldn’t kill a level 4 ‘boss’. Turns out all I had to do was pull out my 2h-sword and kite.