Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Baconbelly.9481


My highest level guy is 2. (PVE is meaingless to me) I have been pvping in the game since the 3rd week of august. Please eliminate the one shot abilities or double the hp pools of characters.

If either of these is not in the cards give both necromancer and elementalists 10k ranged abilities on a 1 sec cast. The overwhelming chorus of thieves and warriors in these forums will be ok with it because they have “dodge”, and apparently that will negate anything that’s overpowered.

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slic.2406


No, I pretty much agree with downed state being lame and too carebear/dumbed down a mechanic for competitive PvP.

At least remove downed abilities, let the players just sit there slowly bleeding health. Guild Wars 1’s system was and still is the best – each person has a 1-time-use Resurrection Signet, that recharges upon ‘morale boost’ (your team getting kills).

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Baconbelly.9481


My post was about the state before being downed. Your fighting boom ….hundred bldes, hip shot pistol whip ..whatever …dead. Toons explode in this game in seconds to one guy.
Oh yeah where can I get a Homer simpson toy bird to peck at my 2 key, thinking of rolling a thief.

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Qtin.6940


At least remove downed abilities, let the players just sit there slowly bleeding health. Guild Wars 1’s system was and still is the best – each person has a 1-time-use Resurrection Signet.

This man speaks the truth … stop that crap already, ppl stealthing, teleporting, using stuns and doing damage even after you defeat them …

Go back to Guild Wars 1 Resurrection signet already.

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

I would rather have a small challenge to finish my enemy then be stuck with a pathetic rez signet mechanic

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reihert.1509


I believe the op and everyone else is talking about different thing.

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Qtin.6940


I believe the op and everyone else is talking about different thing.

Who cares, we are here to whine about the poor game mechanics ! I didn’t even read OP’s post ! I saw something like “QQ 2 HP BARS QQ DOWN STATE” i wrote my rent and closed the page !

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kneru.8014


I believe the op and everyone else is talking about different thing.

This. I’m pretty sure the OP is talking about the elementalist’s mist form, and the necro’s form, whatever its called.

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Baconbelly.9481


I’m talking about how your in downed state in this game out of nowhere if you’re not palying a guardian. Burst is insane right now.

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nenthil.4312


I’m talking about how your in downed state in this game out of nowhere if you’re not palying a guardian. Burst is insane right now.

Can’t say no to that. Today I got 1hited on my ele by warior for over 12k crit >.<
Isn’t it OP for wariors to do 12k crits. I mean it would be ok to do a big amount of dmg but come on! 12k?!