Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Hey everyone. I’ve seen a lot of people talking about this. So me and my guild discussed it, and this was our solution. Throughout the month we’re going to basically be hosting runs for easy dungeon paths to help those who dislike/have never done dungeons finish their monthly.

At the time of this post, you can contact me ingame, or here on the forums. Post will be open for an hour. If we dont get 3 players by then I will call guildies to help, so dont worry about not being able to do the run.

About us: The people doing the runs today are me and my guild leader. We are level 80, exotics, and dungeon masters, we’ll be doing all 3 explorable paths of AC, and possibly an extra 2 dungeons if we have time.

level 35+ (While you can enter the dungeon at lower than 35, we would prefer you to be at the level of the monsters)
server – You can come from any server, do not worry. However we will be on an american server, so those of you from europe may lag slightly once we enter (as it basically brings you to our server)
And that’s it.

First come first serve. PM me ingame or here on the forums if you want in.

doing dungeons, taking people who want their monthly done quick and easy with me, pm ingame or on forums, first come first serve, 3 slots left.

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zargnath.9524


Hmm… Is it posible to convert RL karma to GW2 karma? Cause the you wouldn’t be too far from the legendary. I don’t need your help but I must say this is a great thought and I admire your generosity.

Gnarl Blackfur – Charr ranger
Bob – Four legged shapeshifter
HeXagonis [HeX]

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


Very nice of you, i may take you up on it at some point.

If i don’t though, i’ll say a big thank you anyways .

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Game is probably about to be down for a patch, as it just booted us from WvWvW. Offer is still open for ~20 minutes though (post patch)

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


this is great of you guys. : )))
make sure you tip them if they help you peeps!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


this is great of you guys. : )))
make sure you tip them if they help you peeps!

you dont have to pay us. We do 3 AC’s every day anyway as you get 26+20+7+7 silver (per run) if you use omnomberries, so we do it for it’s own financial reward. You dont need to give us anything o.o

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: psirca.9452


What server.
I hate dungeons because I was forced to do them in so many other games.
Have never done one completely in this game due to it. All I did was run in, solo one mob and leave.

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


What server.
I hate dungeons because I was forced to do them in so many other games.
Have never done one completely in this game due to it. All I did was run in, solo one mob and leave.

“server – You can come from any server, do not worry”

You can cross server dungeons easily. Simply have everyone wait outside the dungeon on their respective server. We’ll enter first, and then it’ll prompt everyone, on every server. It then moves everyone to our server for the duration of the dungeon (which is why I noted that european players may have some lag issues)

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Hey guys, going to bed. I’ll make another post tomorrow if/when we plan on doing more runs with people. See you then.

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arsenica.2105


Are any of you up for HotW or CoE? I mean id there a side group that doesnt do AC?
Also guys this is a great idea and ty for putting it in motion.

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Haha this is a great idea. I was going to begin to set one up myself for Operation: Union. Looks like you beat me to the punch.

Good on you guys!

Do you mind if I help you guys? At the moment I’ll be helping the folks in Operation: Union but would love to spread the awesomeness to others.

I also run AC extensively basically living in it.
I would also be interested in helping some folks (I’m on EU Aurora Glade, so you know timing)

+100 awesomesauce!

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Incendia.6725


I’ve already done mine but props to you guys. May I also suggest CoF path 1, it’s really, really easy. 15 minutes with a good party, 20 with a bad one.

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


I’ve already done mine but props to you guys. May I also suggest CoF path 1, it’s really, really easy. 15 minutes with a good party, 20 with a bad one.

We did consider it, but there is one major flaw, which is that the dungeon itself is a much higher level. People who want to do their monthlies encompass all level ranges, rather than just level 80, so we decided AC was perfect for it, as that means anyone who could potentially do the monthly, can do it by coming with us.

Haha this is a great idea. I was going to begin to set one up myself for Operation: Union. Looks like you beat me to the punch.

Good on you guys!

Do you mind if I help you guys? At the moment I’ll be helping the folks in Operation: Union but would love to spread the awesomeness to others.

I also run AC extensively basically living in it.
I would also be interested in helping some folks (I’m on EU Aurora Glade, so you know timing)

+100 awesomesauce!

You could certainly help if we have room. But most of us believe that 2 guildies + 3 people is more helpful than say 4 guildies + 1 person, as our guildies already have their monthlies done. It’s not that partying you wouldnt be cool, it’s just that if we already have 2 guildies in the party, bringing you means helping less people o.o

Are any of you up for HotW or CoE? I mean id there a side group that doesnt do AC?
Also guys this is a great idea and ty for putting it in motion.

I know a few of our members do both of those. I dont know why they do HoTW, but they hit up path 3 and path 2 quite often. There is also a group farming charged lodestones out of the CoE chests, so they’re usually looking for extra people.

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Ahh that’s cool. i normally set up as a lone guide or with another buddy. So I normally help 4/3 folks at a time. Just thought I’d help get your good will across.

Want to do your monthly dungeons? Look inside

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tallenn.9218


Wow, you guys are awesome! I’ll look for your posts in the next few days.

I’m 80 with full exotics, and actually love dungeons, but since my guild is very small, and just doesn’t seem to do many, and since I loathe pick up groups (sometimes you get lucky, but not often enough to be worth it), I’ve actually only completed one- AC story. Maybe once I’ve run all the exp paths, I’ll feel better about doing some PUGs.