Wardrobe, store skin

Wardrobe, store skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pokecenter.3548


How can i store skins in the wardrobe? Can’t do it from my inventory (i see the option but it isn’t highlighted, you can’t click it). The option is there tho, so there must be a way, im just clueless.

Wardrobe, store skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Farson.5730


Usually if it’s not highlighted, it is already in your wardrobe. Does the item say “Skin Unlocked” or “Skin Locked”? I’ve had no trouble adding to wardrobe from my inventory. Also, salvaging the item unlocks the skin (adds to wardrobe).

Wardrobe, store skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


What Farson said.

Check if the item says “skin locked” or “skin unlocked” first; you can check this by moving your cursor over onto the item to highlight it; should say all about the skin there.

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

Wardrobe, store skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pokecenter.3548


The skin is unlocked, its account bound so i guess it couldn’t be the other way. And its really a skin, not a piece of gear. When i log one character that doesn’t have the skins on his inventory, and go to the Hero Pannel, Wardrobe, if i try to apply that skin it will ask for a transmute. Shouldn’t it be free if the skin was stored? Or im assuming that store = deposit (just like you deposit mats on your bank, you would do the same for skins) but it doesn’t work that way?

Wardrobe, store skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


The skin is unlocked, its account bound so i guess it couldn’t be the other way. And its really a skin, not a piece of gear. When i log one character that doesn’t have the skins on his inventory, and go to the Hero Pannel, Wardrobe, if i try to apply that skin it will ask for a transmute. Shouldn’t it be free if the skin was stored? Or im assuming that store = deposit (just like you deposit mats on your bank, you would do the same for skins) but it doesn’t work that way?

Store does not mean deposit. Store in wardrobe means unlock. You do not get free application of skins from the wardrobe except for certain items such as the achievement skins and the Hall of Monument skins.

Storing a skin item in the wardrobe will actually use up the free application you would normally get with using the item.

Wardrobe, store skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pokecenter.3548


Store does not mean deposit. Store in wardrobe means unlock. You do not get free application of skins from the wardrobe except for certain items such as the achievement skins and the Hall of Monument skins.

Storing a skin item in the wardrobe will actually use up the free application you would normally get with using the item.

I was afraid that was the case. Tho its sad, in my head would make so much sense that you could actually deposit the skins in an wardrobe, and would save a few inventory slots as well

Thanks for the replies guys.

Wardrobe, store skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


It would also have made sense for it to give you an transmute charge when you deposit one assuming it was one of those that you could easily obtain an infinite amount.

On the other hand that shouldn’t matter much anymore for most people since the log in rewards will include transmute charges.