Recently I’ve played these two classes quite a bit. I don’t really have time to focus on two characters, so I kind of have to limit myself to one class. I’m also a completionist so I’d feel bad if I had a character that didn’t have highest tiers of armor and world completion. That’s just the kind of MMORPG player I am.
However, I’ve been stuck picking between Warrior and Engineer to play as my main. I plan on PvEing and WvWvW roaming mainly, although I won’t say no to sPvP either. Here are some personal pros and cons of these classes:
Warrior pros:
+ Melee and more action-y
+ I feel the class has a lot of “hidden” depth and a high skill ceiling (i.e. amount of potential)
+ I like the active mobility a lot
+ Active playstyle without button mashing
Warrior cons:
- Little active defense/recovery (just a single skill)
- Worse at taking on groups (although still not bad)
- Most weapon skills are generic and signets are good and popular for PvE but are kind of boring
Engineer pros:
+ I’m good at playing the class. From knowing how to properly heal and how to land long distance grenades, I have a much better sense of what I’m doing with Engineer than with Warrior. As such I’m also better at doing PvE content with this class than with Warrior. WvWvW is still up in the air.
+ A lot of active defense and recovery – I usually run grenade-bomb-flamethrower with a power build, which is 3 blinds, or grenade-bomb-elixir gun with a condition build, which is 2 blinds and an extra heal from elixir gun
+ Variety – whether it’s conditions or sustained power or burst power or support, Engineer has options
+ Amazing AoE – with grenades and bombs, there’s basically no damage dropoff for multiple enemies
+ Aiming grenades can be fun – grenades are definitely my favorite skill set for this class
Engineer cons:
- Lots of keystrokes to do something – some people like this, I don’t
- Lots of skills basically do the same thing and only have different stats/animations (i.e. elixir gun 3 and pistol 2 both spread poison over a cone)
- Relying on fields and kiting isn’t as fast or exciting as Warrior’s playstyle
TLDR: Basically, to me, Warrior has one playstyle, which I’m not very good at, but I like a lot and want to become good at. Engineers have a lot of different playstyles, most of which I’m pretty good at, but none of which I like as much as Warrior’s playstyle.
The main gripe I have with Engineer is that, rather than being active and mobile yourself, you excel by taking away the other person’s active and mobile abilities. This is fine for PvP, but I find it quite lackluster in PvE, particularly because Engineer is mostly ranged. I know a lot of people will point out bombs and toolkit being melee for engineer, but bombs are hit-and-go weapons and toolkit is short and bursty, and usually initiated with Magnet (which also ensures the Engineer can pull a melee-range combo off). When I’m using conditions (which I usually do), I usually blind the enemies with grenades, get close while throwing out other conditions, throw out a blinding bomb, throw out bomb conditions, then dodge/jump out (with elixir gun) and use my pistol or elixir gun conditions (depending on the CDs). At no point in this rotation am I in any danger of getting hit. With a power build I usually just kite in circles and lob kitten at the enemies, and slow them if they get close. Just as effective but usually not as fun. When I first played Engineer, I was told you had to have a plan since you had so many options and devices. The problem is, it’s always the SAME plan. I do really like the animations, the smoothness of combat, and watching hordes fall before your explosions. I just wish playing it out were more exciting.
With Warrior, I kind of go in with a semblance of a plan, but it changes rapidly because I have to do stuff like dodge and escape to wait for CDs on major skills. It’s a lot faster paced and action-y. And I kind of suck at it, possibly because I’ve played so much Engineer. Melee combat especially with 2H weapons feels really meaty as well, which I like a lot. I think people think Warrior is really simple, but only because most of the time it doesn’t hurt to play Warrior simply. But I can’t fight the fights I can on Engineer with Warrior, because I make mistakes and get punished greatly for them. It’s frustrating, but it’s also fun.
What class should I stick with?