Warrior or Guardian for Sunrise?

Warrior or Guardian for Sunrise?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Explosives.1607


Hey guys, just want some opinions on which class I should aim for getting sunrise on. I hear that getting it on a Mesmer would be wasted due to very little attack animation. The choice between guardian and warrior is very difficult, I like the warrior’s greatsword skills better so far, but many have told me that Guardian gets to be a very good class at 80. Also some things I am considering is which class will make a better commander? (I already have an ele as a commander, but its obviously quite squishy and don’t always enjoy it in WvW).


Warrior or Guardian for Sunrise?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Psynch.4087


Hard to say; I guess I would consider which character you’ll be spending the most time on. For me, my guardian is my ‘main’ and that’s who I use for dungeons and fractals. This character needs the top gear that I can find, especially because I’m always in a party and they need me at my best.

I also have a ranger that I use for farming. It’s not a big deal if this character has the super top gear, because I’m just trying to find events to tag mobs and get loot.

So then, in my case, I would absolutely get the legendary on my guardian because that’s the character that I need to have in top shape, and that’s my ‘social’ character. I guess that my advice is to figure out which character is going to play more of a role in your endgame, and choose them. I think that the social-ness of a character plays a huge role in the decision.

Warrior or Guardian for Sunrise?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I think GS is excellent on both classes. Although I don’t think Id ever drop my GS on my guardian, whilst I am happy to pick up other weapons on my warrior. For me a GS warrior seems like a one trick pony, whilst a GS on a guardian seems essential. But in all honesty, there isn’t alot of difference. Any class can be really good at commanding as far as I am concerned, even a GC thief.

Warrior or Guardian for Sunrise?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Depends which toon you plan to play the most and like the most. Me personally I put Sunrise on my guard because like Psynch said, my guard is my main also so obviously he’s gonna get the gear first.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?