Warrior or Guardian for WvW?

Warrior or Guardian for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xykris.6758


I currently have a level 50 guardian but have been strongly considering a warrior due to my play style. I like to hit hard and be able to take hits. I like rushing in to battle and slaughtering opponents with a 2 handed sword. I also however like to have heals which is why I rolled a guardian. however I can’t help but feel like Warrior would be better suited in this case. It is because of this that I am making this forum. I was wondering, what the pros and cons (between a greatsword guardian or greatsword/rifle Warrior) would be of the 2 and how effective they are in WvW?

Level 80 Guardian (Arashimorri)

(edited by Xykris.6758)

Warrior or Guardian for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caid.4932


You’ll provide a lot of amusement for experienced wvw’ers playing greatsword / rifle warr.
You’ll be useful playing greatsword guardian.

Honestly though
Greatsword warr has good mobility, you’ll never get a 100b off against a decent group without dieing due to aoe and retal but the mobility is very nice.
Rifle warr is pretty terrible, theres nothing good to say about it.
Warrs have great base health, lets them survive the initial engage easier than a guardian but rely heavily on water fields for sustain due to pretty terrible healing ability (guardians will provide a lot of it for them with ele water fields topping them off). Its easier to get solid damage on a warr due to easy access to fury and less stats that need to be filled (you can ignore healing power completely and can get away with less vitality). Warrs are more mobile in general.

Guardian has more going on. Virtues that require some degree of timing. Need to be more careful with positioning on initial engage due to lower base health leaving them vulnerable to spikes. Need to be more aware of your surroundings to provide walls of reflection in the right place at the right time, stability where its needed. Greatsword pulls at the right time (when stability is down or before its up).
You can go from 1% health to 100% extremely fast too and often. Guardians basically go 100% – 0% instantly or never die.

Guardian sounds better for you really. Warrs main wvw weapon is hammer really, they’ll generally use warhorn for blast finisher and group mobility as a secondary weapon.


Warrior or Guardian for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Guardian greatsword is better. A lot of the strength in GS warrior is hundred blades which only works in PvE. GS guardian will do what you want better. Warrior is also the worst for sustain in fights. GS Warrior does have its place in WvW, but Ive found its best use in mobility, not in “rushing in to battle and slaughtering opponents with a 2 handed sword”. That said, if your willing to switch out the 2 handed sword for a hammer the warrior may be a reasonable choice.

Warrior or Guardian for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xykris.6758


ya I’m fine with switching to hammer. Also ok noted no rifle lol. though you say guardian sounds more like my thing I only use it for the ability to heal which if I compare signet of resolve to healing surge it would seem healing surge wins, so in the end would it not be better for me to roll a warrior? then I can put out more damage, have higher health and a better heal?

Maybe I wasn’t clear enough with my play style lol. I like to do big damage and take hits with an ability or so to heal myself. If I am playing a guardian I have better condition removal but end up losing out on a good chunk of power and toughness.

Level 80 Guardian (Arashimorri)

(edited by Xykris.6758)

Warrior or Guardian for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xykris.6758


Just played around with a skill calculator. here are the 2 builds I was looking at doing (I’m aware these are probably not good in WvW but it shows what my playstyle is like)





Level 80 Guardian (Arashimorri)

Warrior or Guardian for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


Warriors are ok at group support but have great CC and damage. Guardians are the best group support, have ok CC, and good damage. It really depends on your play style.

Tarnished Coast [TC]

Warrior or Guardian for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AbeLincoln.3091


I am currently running a warrior with hammer and sword/warhorn. If you run clerics gear and spec shouts you can do alright damage while still being able to heal yourself. No class can do amazing damage and be amazingly tanky… if they could then there would be no need for anything else.

I think Warrior is overall more fun to play. With a hammer you can have a lot of fun knocking enemies down and smashing people. As a guardian it seems to be a lot of just pressing 1. That is of course just my opinion ive based off of my own experiences.

Blackgate, Rafen Sanguinis

Warrior or Guardian for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caid.4932


Just played around with a skill calculator. here are the 2 builds I was looking at doing (I’m aware these are probably not good in WvW but it shows what my playstyle is like)





Here’s 2 cookie cutter builds, for large scale fights. Whichever you end up playing you’ll probably be playing some variation of them



Both are pretty similar tbh, warr is more mobile, guardian has better group support.
Didn’t bother with stats but both are capable of doing good damage.

Guardian has a hell of a lot more passive healing, dodge roll heal in particular puts them a million miles ahead of warr in sustaining their own hp. Get a good staff ele (or a good guardian) and warr manages fine though. Guardian is more self sufficient really.

I’d say level warr for 10/20 levels but the kind of utilities, traits and weapons you’ll use when leveling will bear little resemblance to what you’ll use at 80 in wvw


(edited by Caid.4932)

Warrior or Guardian for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scleameth.6809


Guardian or Warrior won’t last long if your aim is to deal max damage with a GS by Leeroy Jenkins-ing into a large group. You’d have to sacrifice damage for sustainability. But I’ve managed to get a rather good GS damage build with Guardian with “good enough” sustainability.
But if GS is your passion, you might want to look into a ranger – there are some really tough ranger builds out there. Watch a few vids on rangers and see if it won’t suit you better. And personally I like the ranger’s GS animations best of any weapon in the game!

Keep the Faith (and stay out of AC fire)