Weapon/Armor sets for different game modes
No, you’re not missing a hidden set of armor…not yet anyway. Supposedly Legendary armor will have the ability to swap stats out of combat but I don’t know if it’s true. Legendary weapons have that ability though so it would seem in line with the tier.
I personally just crafted my various sets as exotic gear. It’s not prohibitively expensive and some I even used a karma merchant for as it was a more common stat set. Some sigils are very cheap…others not so much. I also have the ability to craft the armor and weapons myself if I feel the cost is a bit high on the TP.
I’d suggest to specify some of your toons for PvE stuff and some for WvW stuff.
PvP doesn’t use your equipment stats anyways.
PvE toons should still work fine in berserk (or for conditions, viper or sinister or something) equipment, while WvW could use some more defensive stats.
I’d personally wouldn’t craft two armor sets for each toon (especially when you’re a perfectionist like me and only using ascended stuff). At the moment, I’m using guardian and necro and thief in WvW and the rest in PvE. Ele/tempest should work fine in WvW too, but it’s my main, so I’m mostly doing PvE stuff with him.
If you’re planning to get legendary armor, it will work perfect for your main as you can easily change stats between game modes.
Before anything you have to know what’s good right now.
Ruby orbs used to be really good on Thief, now no one uses those because the game has changed and they aren’t good anymore.
I’m guessing a while ago you might have looked this up, set it up, and leave it at that, am I right?
You need to know what works right now, the pieces you said costed you a lot of money, might be worthless right now.
Your best bet is to have different characters for different stuff, for example, amongst other characters I have a Bunker Warrior and a Zerker Warrior.
My Ranger carries around 2 sets of gear, Zerker and Condi, but for something like that you wanna have a lot of inventory space.
Don’t destroy upgrades, it’s almost always better to craft or buy (either gold of dungeon tokens) a new Armor/Weapons.
But again, before anything check the current meta builds, there you’ll find the recommended gear too.
yeah, it is sometimes hard to know what to use for different aspects of the game at any given moment.
Personally I only play wvw thus I will usually have 2-3 ascended sets for each class/specialization along with various accessories/trinkets which can be shared as well.
The need for multiple sets usually depends on what you want to do. If you primarily roam, that will require a set if you want to be optimal vs if you wanna run with a group in which you may have a little more leeway (depending on what group you run with, lol). Either way, group play vs solo will have different benefits from different sets. Thus, if you start out roaming, then join a group, you may wanna switch on the fly.
If you plan to go to wvw as your main form of gameplay just consult with people on your server or metabattle.com wiki to get a platform to build from. You can then further personalize later. Start by using exotic armor to see if you like that style (e.g. pwr vs sustain, dps vs condi) and place your runes there if you wanna get them back out. Once you find your style you can make the appropriate ascended set.
Also, ascended armor in wvw can have wvw infusions used as well which you may want to add to your ascended set you already have.
Good luck and yes, it takes lots of time-gated time, lol.
p.s. in mentioning the time-gated part, celestial is one of those, one size fits all type pieces you can mix with multiple accessories and still not lack too much optimization.
(edited by Akkeros.1675)