Weapon Master Achievements
Can’t believe you want to go for these crazy achievs and don’t know about that story instance. Common knowledge for every achiev hunter.
Check out forewarned is forearmed. I’ve also heard about some sylvari story instance that’s much lower level, but I didn’t try it myself, vigil story works fine.
might as well get some of these done, for the weps i rarely use, any suggestions for good places to grind out the 5k kills?
Low level Ascalon fractal, Silverwastes, any low level skirtt cave, any low level dredge cave (although dredgehaunt cliffs near where commissar spawns has a lot of targets) , bandit village in Lornar’s Pass.
For underwater weapons Orr has the best density of critters below the waves.
Oh and of course, farm Battle of Claw island
didnt know the kills on battle for claw island counted, is it just killing stuff till the dragon shows up and the rezoning? is there a way to kill stuff and not spawn the dragon?
Can’t believe you want to go for these crazy achievs and don’t know about that story instance. Common knowledge for every achiev hunter.
Check out forewarned is forearmed. I’ve also heard about some sylvari story instance that’s much lower level, but I didn’t try it myself, vigil story works fine.
you can google for a post in the guildwars2 subreddit on the sylvari story (terrestrial weapons); it also covers the vigil story (for aquatic weaps). It’s not difficult to set up, but I can tell you it’s mind-numbingly dull and nearly fell asleep after the first few minutes.
It is, however, very efficient, especially for warhorn and focus.
http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1nt29f/complete_guide_to_weapon_master_achievements/ theeere you go
The story instance ‘Stealing Light’ is by far the best place for weapon master that I’m aware of. It has ~30 instant respawn spiders and can be really close to the spawn point, meaning you are only limited by how fast your weapons can kill things. Sadly shield is still abysmally slow, it’s the only one I’ve got left and I’ll be waiting to see what’s on the Mesmer and Revenant shield skills to see if they’re better.
‘Forewarned is Forearmed’ is the best place for the underwater weapons. Just park yourself just under pools surface by the rat spawn point and direct your attacks down the tunnel to maximize your kill zone.
Focus was the hardest for me, it’s slower than shield. Managed both “together” by switching weapon set. Still, shield finished waay earlier than focus (something like 2k kills in advance).
I’m still missing trident though, so no idea if that’s even slower (but I’m guessing not)
The off hands can be awful. I think I have 7 warhorn kills in 2 years. Honestly I think I’m just going to give up on those. Sam as with giants. I have 9 Giant kills in the same amount of time. Most everything else I can get just playing. I’m over 2500 for most main hands at least.
It was the same for me until I decided to try the lame method :P Follow the guide, it’ll be boring but you’ll get it done pretty fast (took me about a week, playing in the evenings only).
Giants I’m doing it too, getting 10 kills/day (brisban event with the golem), it’ll be finished in 3 months hopefully.
I learned recently from these forums that ambients count. I took my guardian to north Southsun (crabs!) and then to a spot in Mount Maelstrom that I like and racked up 100 torch kills about as fast as the cooldowns reset (after I retraited for fast torch cd). The story instances likely allow for group kills though, so they may be faster if you have an alt at the right PS step who uses the weapon you’re working on.
Both focus and warhorn were incredibly easy. Necro warhorn has a pulsing AoE and Ele in fire attunement was pretty good for focus with the pulsing fire field it has.
To make things easier a friend and I made an arrangement to each have a character at ‘Stealing Light’, trading back and forth to avoid having to get multiple characters up to get weapon master done. This also has the added benefit of the instance owner being able to keep the NPC’s out of combat (Although they’re not a big hindrance if they do get in combat)
Both focus and warhorn were incredibly easy. Necro warhorn has a pulsing AoE and Ele in fire attunement was pretty good for focus with the pulsing fire field it has.
To make things easier a friend and I made an arrangement to each have a character at ‘Stealing Light’, trading back and forth to avoid having to get multiple characters up to get weapon master done. This also has the added benefit of the instance owner being able to keep the NPC’s out of combat (Although they’re not a big hindrance if they do get in combat)
Was going to say the same thing. I’ll have to check what I have but with the locust swarm and dagger attacks, getting the achievement is pretty easy. I’ve also gone sceptre on my necro with her condition build so that’s racking up kills in a real hurry particularly in Silverwastes. I’m going to build a condition range so I can use torch XD
Shield, I just can’t bring myself to do T.T