Weapons and how they appear on a character; suggestions? =D
Who else agrees?
I was instructed by ANet to post this on the forum, and if it’s an idea that enough people like, they’d maybe consider doing it! =D
I support the idea of showing both weapon sets on a character because of the reasons you just said.
Awesome from a RPG perspective, and also more insight for PvP.
Your enthusiasm is admirable, but bear in mind that it is right in the middle of the American work day, so perhaps you should allow more than 13 minutes for people to respond before posting again.
That said, this is the player helping player forum, and what you’re providing here is a Suggestion. The Suggestion forums have not been opened yet.
Many of us are bursting at the seams with “brilliant” suggestions for improvements to the game, but please join us in eagerly awaiting the proper forum for our ideas to be posted.
Thanks and good luck!
or follow me on twitter @trikktheasura
Trikke <Sorrows Children> [SRRW] — Sea of Sorrows
You tryin’ to get ‘em to make you a ’GM’ or something? =P
If they do add something like this I really hope they make it optional.
I usually swap to my bow when I’m not in combat because I feel like having a main and an offhand weapon visable looks a mess (especially when the offhand is a torch). Having all 3 showing up at once would look horrible to me.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Yeah, definitely interested in them making it an option for sure. I like choices =D
I just think it would be a nice extra touch to be able to show my Greatsword and Longbow across my back, with my Quiver as well, to top it all off.
Who else agrees? =D
The Players Helping Players subforum is only for players to ask for or give help to/from other players. The forums are only partially open at this time, and other sections will be rolling out in time. Please help keep the forums clean by staying on topic.
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