What I should have known.

What I should have known.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamThief.9812


First off: this is not required reading. This is not a complaint thread. There is no you v.s. me or wrong or right. This is one player explaining his thought process to other players in a helpful manner. Take it for what you will.

I have this portable mystic forge sitting in my inventory right now. It was my reward for somewhat participating in the event ArenaNet released to deplete some of the extra resources that had flooded the economy. The original plan was to fully participate in the event, dumping load after load of excess virtual goods into the mystic forge in hopes of randomly getting the pieces I needed to build the finished product. Or perhaps at least get enough junk gemstones to sell to a vendor so as to recoup some of the cost.

Not too far into the event I came to a realization. At the current rate things were proceeding it would cost a fortune compared to my limited economic buying power at the time. I was about to give up entirely when I had an idea. I immediately sold all the bits I had collected and bought the main components and the rest of the coins needed to make the final transmutation. In all, I probably spent about 3.5 gold on my portable mystic forge. I still haven’t found it to be game changing or meaningful, but I know I can always dump in on the TP for anywhere from 11-17g.

Speed forward to yesterday. Like many others I was duped into buying keys to open some of the 69 Black Lion Chests I had sitting in my bank. I bought 5 keys, got one more from a chest, and nothing Halloween related. This is when the lesson really clicked. I wanted to participate in the event the way it was “intended” or “advertised”. But this mode of thinking will not benefit the general populace. Just like the previous event with the mystic forge, many people tossed piles and piles of resources away but the only real profiteers were the ones who provided those resources to the “gamblers” at ever increasing rates. Even those who simply bought the components from those who gave up hope, assembled the final portable forge, and resold the finished product made a decent exchange.

As unfortunate as it is, the game model as it stands promotes what is ofter referred to as leeching — effectively sucking the fun out of the process by replacing helpful player camaraderie with greed.

What I should have known is that I would have had more fun yesterday by not purchasing gems and supporting the company, but instead playing on the market and making money off the event so I could have a chance at buying a costume or skin that I desired.

I will likely never purchase another gem with RL money. I find this sad, because I love the idea of supporting a company that does a good job and being rewarded in kind with special virtual goods that leave me feeling my support is appreciated. Some may call me entitled or selfish. That’s fine. )I wonder how many of those championing the “gamble” aspect of the game actually spent any of their money on gems for keys. Some, for sure. I doubt all.) I’m merely offering my perspective on why I no longer believe that spending money on this game is worth the recognition or reward the company chooses to offer.

In the future I’ll gain my enjoyment from market speculation and buying and reselling event items.

TLDR: First off: this is not required reading.