What are good dungeon token warrior armors?

What are good dungeon token warrior armors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeo.1453


Ever since Gauntlet, I have almost always been playing melee classes, be it warrior in WoW, Sith Warrior in SWTOR, Barbarian in Diablo 3, and now, warrior again in GW2. I am ALL about max damage, with little to no care about personal safety. My motto while playing like this is “run in, swinging everything, until either everything is on the ground, or I am”. So, in GW2 stats, I am mainly power, secondary precision. What is a good set of warrior gear with those stats possibly with good runes? And if this gear doesn’t have said runes, what are the best runes/gems/other things to put in sockets that have power, precision, and other damage things?

I am also thinking of having a 2nd armor set, but with the 3rd thing being magic find, any gear like that, too?

Premature thanks!
