What class can do the most damage from conditions?

What class can do the most damage from conditions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


Just wondering which class can do the most damage from conditions?

What class can do the most damage from conditions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rolo.9248


I’m going to guess necro with carrion armour.

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When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

What class can do the most damage from conditions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


I do a nice sustained 14 stack of bleeds plus perma-poison and the occasional 6 stack of confuse on my pisol/dagger theif build.

Set up properly every class has a solid condition build, you’ve just got to find the right weapon, trait, and armor combo to get it off the ground.

Necros are unique in that their condition power is rather scalar with plague signet. Got a conditions necro in the guild that goes from “good” in a small fight to “Holy crap” the bigger the allied zerg gets. Of course this also means that it becomes much harder for him to stay alive, so its a very kind of razor’s edge thing.

What’s important to note is condition stacks. More than two bleed damage builds becomes a waste because it caps at 25 stacks. Similarly if you have one guy that can perma-poison, two is overkill. Same for fire, as fire and poison stack duration rather than intensity.

If you’re going conditions, you have to learn the stacking behavior of the conditions you use and when its a good idea to swap to another condition, or support or whatever. For instance on my theif if I run in to an event and I see people are already managing to get a full 25 bleed stack and perma-poison on the mob, then I go for bodyshots in stead to stack vulnerability.

That’s probably a lot more information than you asked for, but I’m bored.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

What class can do the most damage from conditions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mintyfresh.2539


I’ve routinely had the good luck(via gear+sigils+runes+pets+talents) to stack 18+ stacks of bleeds on a poor creature.

I’ve also had the bad luck of activating quickening zephyr, and hitting a elemental very hard while it was happily reflecting all the dmg to me.

Yeah, that wasn’t very pretty.

“Religion. It’s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.”—Jon Stewart

What class can do the most damage from conditions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Killua.8041


Engineer and Mesmer can do some high condition damage. But pretty much any professions can go that path.

O Killua O – Asura Mesmer | Killuas – Asura Engineer
Bookah Protector – Asura Guardian | Trapped Spirit – Asura Necromancer

What class can do the most damage from conditions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raedwulf.3712


Oh lord! What a question this early in the game. With so many possible builds per class, I’d say it’ll be a couple of months before the stat-obsessed min-maxers could answer this one for you. It doesn’t just depend on class (and therefore skills). It also depends on gear and on traits and, to some degree, on the mobs yyou’re fighting i.e. do they have an immunity. I don’t think you’ll find a satisfactory answer right now.

Guild Leader, The White Company, Piken Square

What class can do the most damage from conditions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mintyfresh.2539


Oh lord! What a question this early in the game. With so many possible builds per class, I’d say it’ll be a couple of months before the stat-obsessed min-maxers could answer this one for you. It doesn’t just depend on class (and therefore skills). It also depends on gear and on traits and, to some degree, on the mobs yyou’re fighting i.e. do they have an immunity. I don’t think you’ll find a satisfactory answer right now.

I’m pretty sure that most of the individuals are expressing the experiences with their toons as opposed to solid quantifiable numbers.
Since there are so many many variables, including the ones you do/don’t control, I doubt that we can come to a conclusion as to what class puts out the highest number of “conditions”, however there are definitely ones that can exploit/prolong them more than others.
But overall, I do agree with the notion that it’s too early to get an accurate answer.


“Religion. It’s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.”—Jon Stewart