What class to play?

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186



Whell, my serious question is, what to play?

I see a lot of players struggling for days like me to decide wat exacly to play, and i see multiple resons beind it.
1,Players find characters boring, becosue they keep using 3-4 skills wit each weapon, and tey are limited to 3-4 weapons mostly. (they like to use)
-Solution would be to make more weapons. Even if thes start to have similliar skills wont mater, its still a differeance. Players wont feel bored.

2, Classes feel the same. Warrior using rifle or bow feels like almost a tief using a bow or ranger using axe…almost the same skill setup. A spamable 1, a special 2, a snare 3, a bouncing attack or aoe. and so on…You all know what am talking abaut if you did try.

Thats all i want to say abaut this becosue the other issues are for other topics, but have an impact on this.

So i am in the same boots as them. I cant decide.
I started as necromancer, but didnt feel right. I always wanted to play Nekromancer in rpg games. But the skillset is just not right for me. Minions die almost instantly, deal almost no dmg. And dont really define te class as they should be. Like in Gw1.

After that i wanted to try something melee inspired by Sword art online. But didnt wanted to go Warrior becosue there are sokittenmany alredy. So i rolled guardian. It was fine, but my friend coming next week decided to paly that to so i wanted to make someting other.

After that i started warrior, but after lv 35 it became boring, and i realized melee is not my thing after the first dungeon. I cant se a thing from mobs from all the effects and players and mobs stacking up on eacother. And i die from 1-2 hits, if i dont dodge an attack that comes from a mob i cant even see. Seriously cant understand why cant they make :
-Body blocking scales. Like in Gw1. And to solve players blocking eacother, remove the blocking in areas where it can be a problem.

So after that i made a Mesmer. Currently i play it, but i find it terrible after lv 15. The dmg is insanely low, and it takes ages to build up illusions witch even fail. In pvp they get 1 shooted from a aoe, and ppl start with marking the real you. Also if someone stand on some hight they cant explode on them, and if they move its even worse.
So i gave up. Cant decide seriously.

Ranger seems fun, and i mostly play classes like them, and has a lot of usefull support like spirits and traps, witch is fun, but its totally so mainstream every third player is ranger, and all you basically do is spam shots at enemy, and kite. Witch i am sick of after 6 years of playing hunter.

Thief also seems fun, can even be a ranger a bit, but basically all you do i stab stab stab, becosue it lacks utility.

I tried Enginer, but i found it terrible. Its ok in pvp, but in pve its extremely boring. In first like 15-20 lv you have 2 weapons mostly. And as oyu get packs you realize all you do is Spam nukes. Aoe nuke, dot nuke, snare nuke. And becosue he only has 2 weapons basically (3 with the shield) he must use his utility skills to be able to keep up, but that basucally takes the slot from the utility. And it becosme a boring : nuke nuke nuke.

The only thing that left is Elementalist. Witch i personally like, but its so extremely mainstream, every second player you come across is Ele.
Its kind of fun becosue of the extreme ammounts of skills. But in the end you realize, all you do is spam nukes like any other class.
Excluding the fact the utility skills are atleast exciting, like summoning elementals and area manipulation spells, knockbacks, and aoe heals.
But still, after practicing pvp to rank 11, i realized, cooldowns are extreme, and deal not that awesome dmg. And you cant be mobile or use out really the terrain like Ranger, becosue you cant spam stuff from above. If you do you miss out the reson you are so flexible with you skills, becosue you lack the range wit most skills.
Not to mention his atunement skills all togather are like the other classes. They have a spamnuke, a class specific snare, dot, aoe ,shield a block and hit back and so on. Just in elemental theme.
-I personally would loved to se a Tipical Dungeons & Dragons oldschool wizard, with lots of tricks and arcane spells, desintegrate, familliars, or teleport. Sumon muddy terrain, levitate and those tipical manipulation spells i so miss from rpg -s lately.

So i hope noone takes this as moaning, it was more planned to be a question….what to play ??? I seriously cant decide. (and sorry if i misspelled something, my english is not so awesome as it should be)

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kindread.9481



I am not sure about this … but you may need to spend a but more time with each class than you have.

The necromancer for one is an amazingly powerful class! My good friend plays one with me quite often and she is rocking! She built a more support/defensive Necro focusing on condition removal (becomes a big deal once you start entering dungeons and WvW) and life taps to keep herself alive. She does decent damage and is such a powerful group member that many times if she has to leave the group for some reason, we just can not continue. Mob control, Condition Removal, and Damage … it is just an amazing class! She does not use pets very often, so I can not really comment on them.

Another good friend of mine plays a warrior. We pair extremly well together (I play a Guardian) We’ll bounce aggro back and forth on boss mobs depending on our defensive cooldowns. Using a Hammer he can keep a Mob CC’d very well. He usually has a weapon switch with a rifle for those times that he has to back out. Warriors are very big damage dealing classes with a little bit of utility, I would almost describe them as glass cannons when their defensive cooldowns are down.

The only other class I play with often is an Elementalist, which my wife plays. This class has some amazing utility, and takes a while to master. There are many spell combos to discover which require you to switch between the elemental stances. The healing effects from her water spells have saved the day more than once too. Decent damage, but nothing really to write home about. She uses dual daggers primarly, but in dungeons usually switches to a staff for added range.

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aladdin.1625


I play as Elementalist. I have so much fun and I never get bored actually. I use all the elements to make special combination of skills and every party I goes in everyone is happy from the colors I create. Fire/Air/Earth/Water that’s what I love, That’s what I choose.

What about you? What do you Love? What you will choose?

Aladdin Marzouk

Character: Lebanon
Guild: Mustache / http://www.mustacheguild.net/
Position: Officer / Elite

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kitanas.3596


sounds like you are not having fun playing the game… which means(no offense) that GW2 may not be for you.

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stagnant.4035


sounds like you are not having fun playing the game… which means(no offense) that GW2 may not be for you.

Think this may be your problem. Sounds like the GW2 thing just isn’t your cup of orange juice.

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MoJoe.9063


Yeah, I’m not entirely sure why you even made this thread. It seems like you’ve tried out all the classes already and you’ve formed an opinion on each of them. What do you expect us to tell you that you haven’t already figured out?

My only advice is to not restrict yourself from playing certain classes because other people are already playing them. I know what you’re talking about because I’m the same type of player; I like to do the thing that no one else is doing. But this game is popular enough that everyone is already doing everything, so no matter what you pick you’ll be just like everyone else. You have to make yourself stand out by your own skill as a player

Borlis Pass
Azman – Asura Necromancer, Kemena – Human Guardian
Emracool – Sylvari Elementalist, Lyra Lightbender – Sylvari Mesmer

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Symbolic.7863


I felt sort of the same way to be honest. I was really excited to try out mesmer because Anet said they were giving it a face lift and I create the char and nothing has been touched. It felt as terrible as it ever has and I saw no changes made to it.

I don’t even know where I’m going with this. Just severely disappointed, and no class forums to put this in

Avatar of Chaos (FC)

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dark Revan.7634

Dark Revan.7634

In my opinion after reading what you posted you are trying to choose a profession that’s not “mainstream” while you should in fact just play one that’s fun for you. It doesn’t really matter what your friend plays or what the guy next to you plays as long as you enjoy your current profession

Having said that I play as a Warrior and don’t get bored, i like a lot of the skills on the weapons like sword-axe, dual-axe, hammer, greatsword and switch between them depending on what i feel like killing with

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hedyn.5917


I tried Enginer, but i found it terrible. Its ok in pvp, but in pve its extremely boring. In first like 15-20 lv you have 2 weapons mostly.

How is that even possible? If you do skill challenges you should have your flamethrower and grenades pretty soon, well before 15. Engineers have more quick-switch weapons than the other classes when done right.

But like others say, it seems you don’t enjoy this game, really.

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Whell first of All Thank you ! For all the anwsers and inspiring.

I waited this game since it was announced. I seriously loved Gw1. But might been a bit dissapointed in this. Mostly becosue of body blocking (missing) and i found combat a bit to simple.
But i must also add, it can be quite tactical somethimes. There are also builds here trough a LOT less, then in gw1, but its still fun, exspecially pvp. So i AM looking forward to play the game. I just cant seriously decide.

I read a lot of threads on classes to lately. Witch class has witch problems.
And you are right. I should seriously not bother who plays what.
I would propably still play Nekro if i find a decent “nuker” weapon.

All say to use staff, and i did for a long time, but those “marks on the floor” dont really give me the tipical “caster” feeling. Scepter is more like a wand in the necros hand.
Dagger and Axe are melee and mid range. The utility skills and traits are really good, and “boondancer” build totally destroys in pvp. But still i cant enjoy it fully. Trough Nekromance is the tipical my personality. (maybe later when more weapons come out)

As for Ele. I guess i give it a shot then. If anyone got some feedback on all this go on i gladly listen to it. I am actually quite happy that the community is this brilliant.

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Malakree.5912


My advice would be this.

1) Try all the classes, If you want a taster of all the ways you can build a class then do some SPvP. It can a bit of jumping in the deepend but it will let you see all the trait potentials and different ways you can build something.

2) Recognize that there are multiple ways to each class, some are more streamlined than others. I know warrior has about 5/6 powerful builds which work. Mesmer I feel has 2 primary trait builds that work.

3) Look at how Anet feel each class should work. If they say that the mesmer is an illusion based class and that doesn’t really appeal to you then odds are you won’t like mesmer. As an example the whole theme behind the engineer/thief just don’t appeal to me. I will probably try them out at some point but it will be out of curiosity rather than the “need” to play it I had with my mesmer.

4) Look at player builds and guides while also looking at the people who seem to be doing really well. No matter how good you are at doing trait lines the 400,000+ other people are going try and do stuff which never even occurred to you. The other day I faced a necromancer who had more upfront damage than most of the theives AND was a pain to kill. My guildmate who had been lamenting how bad necro was switched to this build and now loves his necro more than anything.

5) Play for fun. This may seem like an obv statement but really it can’t be overstated. I played feral druid (sorry for the wow reference) for over 5years. There were many points at which the spec was just awful but I loved it, loved how it worked loved everything about it. My experience and knowledge of the class also meant I could MAKE it work when it was bad. Play something enough, no matter how bad and you will win just from pure skill and surprise factor. Frost mage > feral, but there are no feral’s so 99% of Fmages couldn’t play the match out properly and lost hard.

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SilentExodus.1280


So I read through the whole post and I think it could be a few things:
1. You can play every class in many many different ways. I don’t think you’re focusing on figuring out cool new ways to play your classes. Seems like you just have a set idea of what a class should be in your head, and you’re trying to play it that way. GW2 is a much different game than anything we’ve seen before. You need to take some time to try things out in a different way than may seem intuitive to you.

2. You have a lot more experience with the game than I do, but I’ve got a 28 Guardian and just on that character alone I can play more than 3 different ways. GS/hammer for max mellee dps, plenty of cool utilities to mix things up and help yourself out when you’re up in their faces. Sceptre/shield+Staff = heal/suport and some ranged dps which is cool, you’re almost like a shaman in this respect. A mix of both sceptre and GS for ranged and aoe dps.

I have a feeling you’re limiting yourself to one style of play because that is what you feel comfortable with. Try branching out and exploring the traits, skills, weapons, and playstyles you can get from them.

If you’ve seriously done this with each class, and can’t figure out a fun way to play it, maybe you should hit up some guides on how to play the classes to figure out a better or more different way to play the class that makes it more fun to you.

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Malakree.5912


Whell first of All Thank you ! For all the anwsers and inspiring.

I waited this game since it was announced. I seriously loved Gw1. But might been a bit dissapointed in this. Mostly becosue of body blocking (missing) and i found combat a bit to simple.
But i must also add, it can be quite tactical somethimes. There are also builds here trough a LOT less, then in gw1, but its still fun, exspecially pvp. So i AM looking forward to play the game. I just cant seriously decide.

I read a lot of threads on classes to lately. Witch class has witch problems.
And you are right. I should seriously not bother who plays what.
I would propably still play Nekro if i find a decent “nuker” weapon.

All say to use staff, and i did for a long time, but those “marks on the floor” dont really give me the tipical “caster” feeling. Scepter is more like a wand in the necros hand.
Dagger and Axe are melee and mid range. The utility skills and traits are really good, and “boondancer” build totally destroys in pvp. But still i cant enjoy it fully. Trough Nekromance is the tipical my personality. (maybe later when more weapons come out)

As for Ele. I guess i give it a shot then. If anyone got some feedback on all this go on i gladly listen to it. I am actually quite happy that the community is this brilliant.

As to the necro I mentioned how was obliterating me, I believe he was using this build.


Basically he immobilized me then dropped the well, that combined with the his dagger hits did an incredible amount of damage.

What class to play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186



Try this 1


I call it boondancer. Works quite well in pvp. I won a lot of 2v1 to wit this 1.
You apply conditions asap→well under yourself todispell enemy conditions and turn them to boons→ dispells corruptions you well him to and turn them to condition> and Feast of corruption on enemy. Becosue of 3-5 condition every time on each enemy you will spam aoe destruction like hell.
With dagger you get the invincible mode for healing.