Whell, my serious question is, what to play?
I see a lot of players struggling for days like me to decide wat exacly to play, and i see multiple resons beind it.
1,Players find characters boring, becosue they keep using 3-4 skills wit each weapon, and tey are limited to 3-4 weapons mostly. (they like to use)
-Solution would be to make more weapons. Even if thes start to have similliar skills wont mater, its still a differeance. Players wont feel bored.
2, Classes feel the same. Warrior using rifle or bow feels like almost a tief using a bow or ranger using axe…almost the same skill setup. A spamable 1, a special 2, a snare 3, a bouncing attack or aoe. and so on…You all know what am talking abaut if you did try.
Thats all i want to say abaut this becosue the other issues are for other topics, but have an impact on this.
So i am in the same boots as them. I cant decide.
I started as necromancer, but didnt feel right. I always wanted to play Nekromancer in rpg games. But the skillset is just not right for me. Minions die almost instantly, deal almost no dmg. And dont really define te class as they should be. Like in Gw1.
After that i wanted to try something melee inspired by Sword art online. But didnt wanted to go Warrior becosue there are sokittenmany alredy. So i rolled guardian. It was fine, but my friend coming next week decided to paly that to so i wanted to make someting other.
After that i started warrior, but after lv 35 it became boring, and i realized melee is not my thing after the first dungeon. I cant se a thing from mobs from all the effects and players and mobs stacking up on eacother. And i die from 1-2 hits, if i dont dodge an attack that comes from a mob i cant even see. Seriously cant understand why cant they make :
-Body blocking scales. Like in Gw1. And to solve players blocking eacother, remove the blocking in areas where it can be a problem.
So after that i made a Mesmer. Currently i play it, but i find it terrible after lv 15. The dmg is insanely low, and it takes ages to build up illusions witch even fail. In pvp they get 1 shooted from a aoe, and ppl start with marking the real you. Also if someone stand on some hight they cant explode on them, and if they move its even worse.
So i gave up. Cant decide seriously.
Ranger seems fun, and i mostly play classes like them, and has a lot of usefull support like spirits and traps, witch is fun, but its totally so mainstream every third player is ranger, and all you basically do is spam shots at enemy, and kite. Witch i am sick of after 6 years of playing hunter.
Thief also seems fun, can even be a ranger a bit, but basically all you do i stab stab stab, becosue it lacks utility.
I tried Enginer, but i found it terrible. Its ok in pvp, but in pve its extremely boring. In first like 15-20 lv you have 2 weapons mostly. And as oyu get packs you realize all you do is Spam nukes. Aoe nuke, dot nuke, snare nuke. And becosue he only has 2 weapons basically (3 with the shield) he must use his utility skills to be able to keep up, but that basucally takes the slot from the utility. And it becosme a boring : nuke nuke nuke.
The only thing that left is Elementalist. Witch i personally like, but its so extremely mainstream, every second player you come across is Ele.
Its kind of fun becosue of the extreme ammounts of skills. But in the end you realize, all you do is spam nukes like any other class.
Excluding the fact the utility skills are atleast exciting, like summoning elementals and area manipulation spells, knockbacks, and aoe heals.
But still, after practicing pvp to rank 11, i realized, cooldowns are extreme, and deal not that awesome dmg. And you cant be mobile or use out really the terrain like Ranger, becosue you cant spam stuff from above. If you do you miss out the reson you are so flexible with you skills, becosue you lack the range wit most skills.
Not to mention his atunement skills all togather are like the other classes. They have a spamnuke, a class specific snare, dot, aoe ,shield a block and hit back and so on. Just in elemental theme.
-I personally would loved to se a Tipical Dungeons & Dragons oldschool wizard, with lots of tricks and arcane spells, desintegrate, familliars, or teleport. Sumon muddy terrain, levitate and those tipical manipulation spells i so miss from rpg -s lately.
So i hope noone takes this as moaning, it was more planned to be a question….what to play ??? I seriously cant decide. (and sorry if i misspelled something, my english is not so awesome as it should be)