What do your skill shortcuts look like?

What do your skill shortcuts look like?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


How do you high level guys play this game?
I mean, what changes have you made into the keybinds?

And please don’t tell me you play with the default controls?
Because I just can’t get a grip of the controls!

I’ll be honest: I like the wow macro options a million times more than the gw ui.
It allowed me to hit 1 key and by doing that, select the nearest target in sight,
cast the ability I had assigned to it (some opener like a ranged attack or charge),
and then follow up with whatever ability I wanted to use,
which I had always at least 3 abilities in one, as a “castsequence” macro.

To be short; I used these keys for any class as prime rotation:
“2, 3, 4, E, R, F”, and abilities with a long cd for “1, 5, T and G”.
That’s 20 abilities (round it up because I had 5+in1 macros too) all bound into 6 comfortable keys. Never had to use F1, F2, etc. And I liked it, because it was user friendly, giving me the freedom to setup things the way they fit me the most. It was really comfortable, enjoyable and felt solid.

Now that I’ve started GW2, I am constantly hitting a brickwall of frustration and rage which the game is slamming in my face, due to the lack of customisation!
(Going to try more different settings now, see if I can find anything useful).

Here’s another thing that’s been on my mind, correct me if I’m wrong:
We can select only 1 spell to have the autoattack mode on, right?

Now why is that? I mean, why include the option to shift the autoattack on to any other than the main spell, which in every class has a <1 sec cd?
Why would anyone want to make a 4-12-20-30 sec cd spell rotate on auto mode,
so they could spam 1 key every second as main attack?
That’s crazy! Who does that? No one!

The way I see things now, is that the F1-F4 attunements are nothing more than “macros for (what’s the word, oh yeah) idiots”.
Look at the mage for example; you got fire, air, water and earth spells in F1-F4.
The spell page shows youo all spells, but doesn’t let you do anything with them.

How did wow handle this? It put all spells in different attunement pages,
and allows you to drag them to the action bar, and create all-in-one macros.
Wow totally trumps GW2 on this matter, hands down.

I’m not a wow fanboy here to bash GW2, these are just facts, and I’m putting them on the table so that hopefully more users agree with them, and push them on till the devs make some changes for the better. More options is always better.

But to be honest, the way I see this autoattack mode, it is totally redundant.
Wow has autoattack for melee, hunters ranged attacks, and casters wands.
No need for a optional autoattack mode for such obvious things.

A MMO is not a FP shooter. It’s about rotations and a skill management.
Nobody wants to press a key every time for their prime attack, especially when that spell has a 1-2 sec cd. That would bekitten

In a FPS it’s all about when you fire your weapon or melee attack, and where you aim it at. There’s a bit of where to be dealt with in a MMO when it comes to AOE spells, but main attacks with short or no cd, should always be automatic by default.

(Going to post this part on the new suggestion forum too)

What I’d like to see would be a option to have more than 1 spell on auto-attack.
It would be nice too to see castsequence macro options, even if you have to rip the system off wow. Doesn’t hurt to swallow your pride and copy something that’s been perfected by someone else. Unless it’s patented, which I think it isn’t.

Also, allow us to drag-drop skills and re-arrange the action bar (for the love of god!!!).
Just let us customise things more!

What do your skill shortcuts look like?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garmon Sutrix.9204

Garmon Sutrix.9204

You sound experienced, so I probably don’t have to tell you, but remap WASD to ESDF. This gives you access to QAWZ for stances/attunements what have you.

Also, do take advantage of the fact that you can map modifier key combos. That gives you a whole lot of options for your “thumb” keys: BNMGHJ, possibly TYU. For example, on my layout B is set to my main autoattack skill, and SHIFT+B is my main heal. Place the longer cooldown skills on the edges: M, J etc.

But I’m 100% with you as far as allowing us to rearrange our skillbars per weapon set. I always like to map my snare to “G” for historical reasons (WoW, WAR), but the skill slot that it appears in changes depending on weapon. It would be nice for a little more control (or just a little more consistency!)

What do your skill shortcuts look like?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Voqar.2349


Remap strafe to A/D. I bind turn to shift + A/D but rarely use them.

1-5 = weapons, Q, E, R = slots, T = elite, G = heal. (shift + G remapped for guild, V remapped for take target, middle mouse used for dodging, double tap to dodge disabled.)

Scoreboard remapped to shift + B, B added for inventory, X added for map, C added for hero/char – I want all common stuff setup for left hand.

Stuff like that.

What do your skill shortcuts look like?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, q, e, c, f

Thumb for C (often holds some kind of movement speed increase), Q & E for other utility slots.

Not high enough to use the elite slot yet but currently bound to F

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!