What is the best way to get into raiding?
step one, earn the primary LI
find a guild that specialises in training and social runs, aka, no LI requirements.
Once you have like 50LI and some KP of one boss, join LFG runs specifically for that boss.
important note here, to be honest. tell them you only have that many LI, but that since you have 5-10 kills work of KP, you can manage in this fight. one party might kick you, don’t get disheartened, another party will take you.
If you’re exotic or ascended doesn’t really matter that much, what matters is that they are the right getup, viper, zerker, etc.
A good guild to get started with would be RTI.
(rti.enjin.com if the direct link doesn’t work, for some reason all my links work except the links to enjin, did anet block that site or something?)
have 10 hours a day to invest…. Oh wait life
For starters I main chronomancer, I have the gear required for a chronotank build, all of my accessories save one earring are ascended, the one earring that is exotic is commander’s stats with a plat doubloon for boon duration. I have 3/6 pieces of ascended armor with the rest being exotic, leadership runes for the boon duration and ascended weapons. I have learned the rotations in the raid training area and can maintain near 100% uptime for quickness and a high alacrity uptime. I have also studied many of the fights, watching clears on youtube and reading up on the mechanics on the subreddit, forum and wiki. Not that its overly relevant, but I used to raid heavily in other games, with me main tanking in WoW from vanilla through WotLK.
My biggest issues at this time is that I am in a dead guild and I maintain an odd schedule, it was started by a friend of mine but it never got off the ground, I pretty much only rep the tag so I don’t get random guild invites. So I don’t have an organized group that I can just go and raid with. Due to my work schedule I am rarely available before midnight EST which makes it harder as I have looked into training guilds on reddit, but they all raid outside my window of availability. I have also looked into LFG for raids but the ones I have found all want people for either challenge motes or to ping LIs before they let them join. That being said what would be the best way for me to start raiding
Definitely training guilds are your best option. There’s a section here dedicated to recruitment so you could try that. Aside from that just try asking for help in LA map chat and the Aerodrome. This goes for both raiding and guilds in general. What I find is that guilds often have many people who are interested in raiding but require someone to take initiative and create a core group. So don’t be discouraged from guilds if they don’t specify that they are raid guilds if they otherwise fit your needs. For example, if a guild has a group doing T4 dailies together every day, that’s half a raid group.
have 10 hours a day to invest…. Oh wait life
Lol. The hardest part of raiding is getting your foot in the door. It becomes significantly easier once you have that. Whether you raid casually and it takes you a session to get a single boss down once a week, or whether you do full clears in a single 2 hour session on reset, the kind of dedication needed to raid is always vastly overstated. At least in this game.