What options are there for medium armor hoods?

What options are there for medium armor hoods?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zotiko.3740



I’m looking for medium armor that has a hood, similar to the style represented in … basically all the thief skills. From what I’ve seen, they are mainly close-fitting helmets/masks, but only one hood. Are there options other than the Order of Whispers helm?

I’d prefer hood + mask, but hood alone works.

What options are there for medium armor hoods?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: OurDelusions.2635



Starter Hood
Order of Whispers
Crucible of eternity
sylvari culturual (not sure if you’d call it a hood or a helmet. you decide)
Thats all the hoods available at the moment

If you’ve gotten rid of your starter hood and want another one:

What you’ll need:
2 Transmutation Stones
1 empty character slot
a cheap headpiece. (white or blue)

1) Make a new thief with the hood
2) Transmute the head piece with the hood.
3) move the hood to your thief
4) transmute the hood with whatever you want on your original thief.
5) Done!

End of Witty Comments. Semper Fi kiddies.
Don’t chase shadows, cuz you just might find whats in ’em – Cpl Braunsberg

(edited by OurDelusions.2635)

What options are there for medium armor hoods?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Random Brit.7380

Random Brit.7380

No idea on medium armour, but maybe this site will help you.


What options are there for medium armor hoods?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zotiko.3740


@Random – Thanks, but that was the first site I checked. I was hoping someone knew of an off-set or ramp-up karma one.

What options are there for medium armor hoods?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


The Inquest helm that you get for tokens from dungeon runs is basically a ninja hood (at least on a male Human). You can preview it by going to the dungeon vendor in Lion’s Arch. It’s a rounded close fitting hood with a full nose/mouth covering mask.

If you want just a hood, the thief starting option hood is pretty much it. You can use the transmutation trick to get it onto higher level gear. I have not tested it myself but many have posted that if you deleted it or never had it, you just make an alt, transmute the hood onto a white item, then have your main pick it up from the bank and transmute it onto your statted gear.

What options are there for medium armor hoods?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


i think the Order of Whispers hood is pretty darn great. got it for my low level alt and plan to transmutate.

though i feel the Crucible of Eternity helm might look better depending on the rest of your outfit as well. these i feel are the two best looking ones.

and yes, forgot about the starter hood. good call, @OurDelusions!

you can also check this site, which i find more comprehensive.

[edit: format]

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

What options are there for medium armor hoods?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zotiko.3740


Thanks All for the help/suggestions. It’s a refreshing breath of fresh air on the forums.

@akamon.2769 – I like that site, it’s a nice one to compliment gw2armor.com, as I think it has a few sets not represented.