What's new into the game?

What's new into the game?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Salvatore.4983


I was an hardcore player om gw2 till the Crown Pavilion update(about september 2013).
I already know about the ascended gear, well not all about, I also read about the end of the scarlet witch living story with the LA distruction and I also seen the new trait line system but i would like to ask few questions and i hope someone can help me with those.
1) Is the upcoming living history going to have related temporary achievements, like the old living story, that you can only obtain within the 2 weeks?
2) Do still ascended gear farm have time gates?
3) What about the megaserver?
4) What about world bosses after megaserver?
5) Feel free to let me know everything has changed that you think I would like to know about.

Thank you guys and gurls. I know i’m asking much but all the help will be really appreciated! <3!

(edited by Salvatore.4983)

What's new into the game?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


1. We don’t know.
2. Yes. Though for the timegating does not slow me down, it is the other materials.
3. It has goos and not so good things about it. All in all I like having people around.
4. On a timer and zergy. This is where there can be too many players around.

What's new into the game?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

2) The timegate is still there, but you can still skip it with gold.

One – Piken Square