What to do at level 80?

What to do at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RigidForce.4690


Before anyone says anything this is not a “there’s no endgame” sorta rant. I recently got a second charcter, Sylvari Necro to level 80. My first charcater, a Sylvari ranger, I realized I didn’t like as much so I haven’t done anything post level 80. The thing is I know there’s stuff to do at level 80, I just don’t what they are. I’ve started running dungeons and almost have a full set of exotics so the question is, what things are there for me to work on?

What to do at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: steveway.3167


Well, the new living story content is for level 80 only. In addition to that there is FotM, WvW and PVP that you can do. If you havent done crafting, thats all there still (not level 80 only though). Theres also the Orr events.

What to do at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kokiman.2364


What I do when I reached level 80 with a new character is 100%ing all the zones that give me exotic items. When you are lucky you get exotic armors with runes in them that a worth a lot.

What I also recently started doing is completing my weapon/armor wardrobe, it’s a longtime goal for sure but it’s nice to work your way through. I tend to craft/collect skins from a specific area, for example I recently finished my corrupted set, I will now starting to work on the destroyer set… once I’m done with it i’ll look for the next set to complete. Same goes for armors.. I run dungeons not only because they give a nice amount of money but also because they give me tokens which I can turn into new skins… that’s what guildwars was all about anyways – skins. Besides that I also enjoy working on stupidly timeconsuming achievements for example the underwater weaponkills, which in fact also generates a nice amount of t6 materials
Hm… Doing the latest content can also keep you quiet busy, getting all the achievements for Dry Top was awesome, imo same goes for the story achievements!

But the most important thing to do at level 80 is to actually get more confident with your character… learn different styles of play, try different builds maybe even readjust your keybindings to make playing professions like elementalist more enjoyable.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

What to do at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RigidForce.4690


Cool! Thanks for the help!

What to do at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


There’s also everything you were doing before.

I think this is what Anet meant by ‘the entire game is endgame’. Because of down-scalling and loot being scaled to your (actual) level when you reach level 80 you don’t actually have to do anything different, you can still play in all the lower level zones, do all the world bosses, dungeons etc. that were available before.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

What to do at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lodius.5392


1) Zone completion (High Level zones give Exotics)

2) Run all story dungeons + Explorable paths to get Dungeon Master

3) Work on a Legendary Weapon

4) Work on Ascended Armor

5) or Ascended Weapons

6) Run around in Cursed Shore farming events for gold/karma

7) Complete Personal Story and continue to Living Story

8) Increase your personal rewards level in Fractals of the Mist (FOTM)

9) WvW or PvP