What to do when DE aren't happening?

What to do when DE aren't happening?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tharjax.9068


So it seems the past 2 levels that I am going to the hearts and completing the quests they give. I will then wander around the area for about 10 minutes to see if any DE will happen. Well they seem to not be happening very much.

Not quite sure why I am missing all of these DE but it is kind of irritating that I am wandering around the zone trying to find them.

Don’t say craft in the mean time, because I am having big issues with crafting atm. It seems like I never have any materials to craft with and i usually collect all loot. And I hate to keep buying stuff because its making me go broke and I am trying to save to open up my other t raining manual that cost 1 gold….

What to do when DE aren't happening?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Phaze Delta One.2834

Phaze Delta One.2834

gathering materials = free exp.

What to do when DE aren't happening?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Notsure.7028


Its the fine materials you need that are extremely expensive, and not easy to get. I harvest every node i come across, I loot every mob, and I dont skip mobs when doing skill points and whatnot. yet I find myself having only just barely enough fine materials to lvl one crafting profession, let alone all the rest.

I fully agree, crafting is something best left until long after 80 and you max out every fine material.

What to do when DE aren't happening?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


You can actually start DE’s. When you are in areas with NPC’s, talk to the named NPC’s.. not just the bland NPC’s like ‘Soldier’, or ‘Local’. These DE NPC’s have detailed names and can actually start DE’s.