What to do with old karma gear?

What to do with old karma gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: brunohstein.9038



Some time ago I bought a full exotic set of karma gear.

I realized that it wasn’t the spec I wanted and now I have all those soulbound exotic items.

I can’t savage them because I bought them with karma.

I can use the mystic forge to get rid of 4 of them and probably get an exotic item, but what should I do with the other 2?

Just destroy them?

What to do with old karma gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: coglin.1496


Bank em. You never know when a change may come along in your profession that may make them useful one day if they rework some skills or traits.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

What to do with old karma gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wauwi.9162


store them, until you found another 2 “useless” items of the same value and throw them into the mystic forge.
keep them as skins, if they look cool.

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

What to do with old karma gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: brunohstein.9038


So, no magic alternative, haha.

I will try to buy two cheap exotics and throw them at the mystic forge.