What would make the game better for you?

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DotDotWin.4357



There is something missing from this game and I can’t place my finger on it.. the jumping puzzles are annoying and the classes are either face rolling PVE or dieing every five minutes and I could live with all these things and be happy if the game was fun but there is something more, some fundamental element missing.

WoW was fun and it’s a horrible game compared to this. I think it was more fun because you actually knew what to do and where to go. You felt like there was progression. On this game leveling up is.. nothing.. it’s.. yeah, whooptie do.. you’re one of 79 steps closer to the game actually starting. I’ve never made it to level cap but everyone tells me that is when the fun part is, which makes me wonder, why are the designers OK with the first quarter of the game being a chore you have to do before you can actually enjoy the game?

There is no LFG tool that I can find, you can go on forums and join groups but really? What are we living in 1990? Forums? Really?

Maybe it’s because I leveled an elementalist first that I feel the game is just horrible but really, it is horrible to me. It’s not engaging at all. It just feels like non-stop grinding interrupted by something interesting happening once or twice a day when you level up enough to do your story quests.

Finding gear is random at best when you are leveling. I tried to create a healing set for my 35 ele.. yeah, not going to happen. I would have to run, on foot because there are no mounts, across three different zones, to collect the healing items from the Karma vendors at the hearts which deal out healing gear.

Over all, this game seems to have the potential to be a great game, but maybe because I’ve been playing games for a long time, to me, it feels like it falls flat.
It’s very pretty, but very shallow.

So what do you think they should do to the game to make it more engaging?


What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892



And the fact there is no revive pet spell bugs the hell out of me already. If my pet dies and I’m in the middle of an event that means no more pet for the entire length of the event.. gee.. that’s just great.. so once more I’m back to being over run by swarms of mobs..

I swap pets when one starts to go down I change to the other. When the cool off is done I swap back if I need to.

The Burninator

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BamYannick.9702


Cosmetic mounts (same running speed, not able to fly) with requirtments like legendary weapons without the precursors, more dungeon specific drops, hard mode dungeons and BAM’s (big kitten monsters) which could act like mini bosses and drop zone specific skins.

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DotDotWin.4357


What would be the point of mounts with no run speed increase? They made a huge, beautiful map that I am sick and tired of looking at. I want to get where I am going.

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: yellow stang.5618

yellow stang.5618

It’s sounds like you’ve done the game, leveled a character or two, and got a taste of most things in the game. Maybe it’s just not what you’re looking for.

I have 4 level 80s, two more chars in the 20s, and I still love the game. I actually liked leveling the characters though. I always centered my leveling around the personal story. I tried different races (Sylvari, Human, and Norn), and tried each different Order, so I could experience all the different story arcs. I liked the story so this was a big part of the enjoyment for me.

I also am a borderline OCD completionist, so this game is perfect for my personality. I am at 99% map completion now on the character I finally decided to be my main (Ele), and completing each map along the way was reward in itself. Add in the Daily and Monthly achievements, titles such as Dungeon Master, etc., and completionists like me always have a multiple goals to work towards.

After almost 1200 hours among my characters, there’s still no end in sight for me. I recently starting doing WvW since those maps have the remaining points to get my 100% map completion, and I feel like I just discovered a whole new aspect to the game – one that I didn’t even think I would like, but it turns out that I love!

But, like I said, this game fits my personality like a glove. And it doesn’t seem to fit yours. I certainly wouldn’t continue to spend my free time doing something I didn’t like, so I would just say if you don’t like this game, try another one. It sounds like you’ve given it a good shot – it just didn’t work for you.

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DotDotWin.4357


I never cared about titles or map completion or jumping puzzles. I just want the game to be fun to play. Being an elementalist is not fun for me. You have to play your keyboard like a piano just to survive two mobs and if you pull a third you might as well kiss your butt good by.

There is no control over situations. There are mobs everywhere spawning around you at all times and you just get overwhelmed a lot as a elementalist. I was killed countless times while in the pirate area by cannon ball fire until I just happen to look around when the cannon fired and see the puff of smoke. When your a ele those cannon balls take a third of your life and if you are already fighting a mob you might as well give up.

I started a hunter. At least with a pet class I’ll have something to distract mobs with. Ele’s are just not fun at all.

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DotDotWin.4357


And the fact there is no revive pet spell bugs the hell out of me already. If my pet dies and I’m in the middle of an event that means no more pet for the entire length of the event.. gee.. that’s just great.. so once more I’m back to being over run by swarms of mobs..

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: knives.6345


Trinity and probably a minor Gear Threadmill.

I’m gonna get flamed. lol

And for the record, I don’t want mounts..

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DotDotWin.4357


That helped a lot learning that swap trick. What are two good tanking pets for leveling? I have the red lizard that the charr start with as my main pet. He’s pretty beast until 12 mobs run up the hill at us.

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


That helped a lot learning that swap trick. What are two good tanking pets for leveling? I have the red lizard that the charr start with as my main pet. He’s pretty beast until 12 mobs run up the hill at us.

I prefer bear for tanking and either some type of cat or the eagle for DPS on swap. The bear I have special skill removes conditions so that is helpful as long as he is close. I don’t use eagle in WvW because it is like having a big target floating above your head, especially if you are one walls defending. Some people like the spiders for range. I tried moa but didn’t care for it. I like shark under water. There are slots for all pets so you can keep them all if you get them to try them out. You can only have 2 ready at a time for swap though.

Here is a list of pets and locations where you can find juveniles and tame them:

Also a lot about ranger is knowing when and how to use the pet and which pet to use. For solo having pet on defend will work in many cases but it is good to practice using it on passive to have it tag a target you chose. Also you need to keep an eye on it because if a mob it is on runs off it will chase it for some distance and when it runs back it might bring some unwanted friends with it. With pets like my bear that remove conditions that skill is only as good as when you know where your pet is, like call it back to you to use the skill on you then send it back to fight. It really is a skill of it’s own and not just something you throw into the middle of some mobs and hope for the best

Glad it helped. Don’t forget to give them nice names too. They work hard to keep you alive.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: yellow stang.5618

yellow stang.5618

Being an elementalist is not fun for me. You have to play your keyboard like a piano just to survive two mobs and if you pull a third you might as well kiss your butt good by.

There is no control over situations. There are mobs everywhere spawning around you at all times and you just get overwhelmed a lot as a elementalist. I was killed countless times while in the pirate area by cannon ball fire until I just happen to look around when the cannon fired and see the puff of smoke. When your a ele those cannon balls take a third of your life and if you are already fighting a mob you might as well give up.

I started a hunter. At least with a pet class I’ll have something to distract mobs with. Ele’s are just not fun at all.

Again, if you’re not having fun playing an Ele, then don’t play the Ele. :-) Why do something that isn’t fun?

Just for the record, I settled for an Ele as my main after trying 6 different professions. I found all the professions fun, but the Ele is the most versatile in my opinion. I was able to complete every Heart and every Skill check in all the PvE maps with the Ele. Solo.

Granted, the Ele is challenging to play. You have to have pretty good memory for one thing, as you have 20 weapon skills with any one weapon – while every other class in the game only needs to memorize 5 per weapon. Same thing for underwater weapon skills. I was frustrated myself until about level 35 when the understanding really kicked in.

I personally play Dagger/Dagger and Staff. There are countless videos on how to play the D/D ele, which is one of the best burst DPS builds in the game.

But the Ele is not only a good offensive player – it is among the best classes for healing power as well. Most Ele players max out the Water trait line – if you’re not doing this, that could be your problem. Most Eles go with traits as follows:

Air – 10
Water – 30
Arcana – 30

Obviously, you can’t max out the traits like that while leveling, so with survivability your main complaint, make sure to max out Water along the way. You also want to choose the Arcana trait perk that gives you a skill while dodging – when attuned to Water, you get Healing Wave, which should heal back almost a third of your health – just by dodging.

Use the Ele’s escape skills to get out of trouble before it’s too late. Mist Form is excellent for this as it gives you a few seconds of invisibility – the NPCs ofen move on to another target while you’re running away invisible.

Finally, make sure to outfit yourself properly. Go for Toughness with your armor, runes, and jewelry if you’re being killed all the time. The Knight’s stuff has Power and Toughness stats.

Yes, Ele is challenging to play and level, but once properly outfitted and traited, the Ele is one of the most versatile classes in the game. In PvE, but also in WvW.

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


More Dredge. Especially if they become a playable race.

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wolfgang.6489


In-game rewards that don’t force me to go through some terrible grind that has no hint of progression. Grinding bosses in GW1 for green weapons was ok because you knew that X particular boss drops X weapon, so even if it takes you a bunch of attempts to get it, you’ve still got the path marked out for you, and the only roadblock is the boss’ loot table.

With the Mystic Forge, if I want to create any good looking weapon, and I’m not even talking about legendaries or precursors. Just normal Mystic Forge exotic weapons like Mjolnir, Infinite Light, or Jormag’s Breath, I’ve got to gather a TON of materials that don’t drop from anything in particular and have an abysmally low drop rate to begin with. Then I have to spend even more time getting skill points and money for the other components.

To me, that’s just as much of a turn-off as the grind for a legendary.

What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Killing Joke.4371

Killing Joke.4371

There is something missing from this game and I can’t place my finger on it.. the jumping puzzles are annoying and the classes are either face rolling PVE or dieing every five minutes and I could live with all these things and be happy if the game was fun but there is something more, some fundamental element missing.

Be careful, it sounds like you are chasing the dragon, man.

Maybe it’s because I leveled an elementalist first that I feel the game is just horrible but really, it is horrible to me. It’s not engaging at all. It just feels like non-stop grinding interrupted by something interesting happening once or twice a day when you level up enough to do your story quests.

I realise this is rhetoric, but I don’t play horrible games.

I would have to run, on foot because there are no mounts

OK, GuidWars2 = [Not your game] ?

Over all, this game seems to have the potential to be a great game, but maybe because I’ve been playing games for a long time, to me, it feels like it falls flat.
It’s very pretty, but very shallow.

Some people liked only Quake3, some liked only UT, some liked both, some liked neither. Are we really that starved for games?

We aren’t contractually tied down to rationality!


What would make the game better for you?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


In-game rewards that don’t force me to go through some terrible grind that has no hint of progression. Grinding bosses in GW1 for green weapons was ok because you knew that X particular boss drops X weapon, so even if it takes you a bunch of attempts to get it, you’ve still got the path marked out for you, and the only roadblock is the boss’ loot table.

With the Mystic Forge, if I want to create any good looking weapon, and I’m not even talking about legendaries or precursors. Just normal Mystic Forge exotic weapons like Mjolnir, Infinite Light, or Jormag’s Breath, I’ve got to gather a TON of materials that don’t drop from anything in particular and have an abysmally low drop rate to begin with. Then I have to spend even more time getting skill points and money for the other components.

To me, that’s just as much of a turn-off as the grind for a legendary.

If onlythat was true, it would actually make getting lodestones easier. Unfortunately you are only correct about the rate. Specific types of lodestones DO drop from specific mobs so you MUST kill those to get them as drops. If they didn’t drop from anything in particular it would mean they could drop from anything making them a lot more common.