Whats most effective if i go for
The champ train is not really effective at all. Do dungeons.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
Champ train is slightly more effective then dungeons, but it is a lot more boring and most people can’t do it more then an hour per day.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
im getting confused because people say this is most effective and other say this is most effective, are there any persons around who have done the things and know the math behind it?.
i can play frostgorge more than an hour i got holiday 4 more days left before i get blasted with essays and rapports to fill in gym
(edited by Ryze.2891)
If you have a good group that can clear dungeons quickly then it is worthwhile to do dungeon dailys and champtrain after that but if you are a solo player and rely on PuGs for dungeons then it is faster to just stay in Frostgorge.
I dont have a dedicated dungeon group which i would like to, but no rl friends play this. and your right that pugging can sometimes be great and sometimes really bad when you just jion the wrong team. Can anyone confirm how much they got from frostgorge sound? just wanted to know.
Dungeon don’t need a dedicated dungeon group to be more rewarding that any Frostgorges run. You need first to have a good build yourselves. Then you need to learn how to speed run (stacking spot, rotation, tricks, etc) then you can enter speed run, full zerker run, etc. You have way more chance to get a fast run with these. I have no problem finding a fast pug for dungeon running even when no guildmate are online. Of course the best way would be to find you a guild with good Dungeon runner, but that’s not an obligation.
But if you are bad at dungeon or don’t seem to be able to find good PUG then ya Frostgorges will be more rewarding.
P.S. : There is a post somewhere on the forum about someone having 10 or the 11 Legendary a Guardian can have. Most of the people posting advice there have several legendary and pretty much all of them (at least on that post) used dungeon to collect that much money. For myself i have 2 legendary and a third on the way.
Whats the best way to describe a lfg speed run? cause i hate being mean to people even though they jion without reading the post. how do you make sure you can avoid trash pugs? whats your way?
Whats the best way to describe a lfg speed run? cause i hate being mean to people even though they jion without reading the post. how do you make sure you can avoid trash pugs? whats your way?
In my personal opinion it doesn’t help to make crazy demands. I’ve been doing many pugs in specially AC.
I often see the lf speedrun, zerker only, 80 only, don’t be a noob. The groups turn out to be started by narrow minded elitist wannabe’s. All the preparations and kicks halfway etc, makes the potential time gain be actually lost. Besides that, in that dungeon, my record for p3 is 13 minutes. It was a pug, we had 2 level 60’s but everyone was just very relaxed, knowing what to do and it not wining bout everysingle element not being perfect making it a very speedy run
When pugging, don’t expect speedruns. That only decently works in guild-teams.
If you want to be in succesfull speedruns I suggest to join a specialized guild. there are several cross server guilds that don’t require representing, but just being a valuable player in dungeons who knows what to do. Using guildchat for finding speedruns is much better imo.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Whats the best way to describe a lfg speed run? cause i hate being mean to people even though they jion without reading the post. how do you make sure you can avoid trash pugs? whats your way?
Trash pugs is a really mean term.
If I really want fast runs, I add “speedclear 5k+ AP”.
Many people may now freak out and say “AP has nothing to do with skill” but those speedclears in general have nothing to do with skill either, it’s just all about knowing where to stack and what abilities to use, there is rarely a moment where you can shine with adaptive gameplay. 5k+ AP ensures for me that the player at least plays the game actively.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
The only way to make sure you can clear every dungeon fast is to have one specialised character for every role, and choose the most appropriate one relative to the base party makeup and dung choice.
For instance cofp1 4 war, pick mesmer. TA forward must have one guardian in case your team fails. In many others a boon ele is the best choice.
That is, to ‘ensure’ success you must carry every team you drop with.
AP is often a reliable gauge of experience, but is not foolproof – one of the worst players I’ve ever seen had 14k AP. Guilds only work if your guild is a team of full elites. Large guilds are as good as PUGs, and one of the worst teams I’ve been in consisted of 4 high ranking members of my former guild, before I went ahead and brought my own team of elites over from another game to form a guild here. If using AP, a general guide is:
>5000 = competent
>7000 = experienced
<1500 = new but can do well if you teach
2000-3500 = the worst players. They will ignore advice because they think they know better, give you attitude problems when you teach the new guys and yet, they’re not good as they have been carried by other players all the time. They also insist on using exploits or tactics they saw other teams which carried them use, even if the exploit is irrelevant due to a different party composition. Particularly the entrance stack tactic to deal with the 3 golem champions in the absence of an elementalist in SEp1 – it’s a surefire sign of a bad player.
There are exceptions, this is just the norm.
Lastly, be on the lookout if you see 4 players with 2000-3500 AP in the same guild. That kind of party composition has never failed to give the worst performance you can imagine in the game, join those only if you want to master the art of carrying 4 dead people who will abuse you for not using full zerk, even if you DO use full zerk.
PuGs are a mixed bag. The best runs I’ve ever had were with PuGs, the worst runs I’ve ever had are with other guilds, but the most frequent bad runs are also with PuGs.
[Shinigami, NEC, WvW Condinuke] [Rekka, ELE, Fracs] [Tora, PS WAR] [Kageoni, THI] [Hayako, ENG]
(edited by Hayashi.3416)
Particularly the entrance stack tactic to deal with the 3 golem champions in the absence of an elementalist in SEp1 – it’s a surefire sign of a bad player.
Blatant misinformation, it’s not difficult at all to do without an ele; I have, for what is the absolute majority of my runs. Work on your DPS and reflects (Tremor is pretty nice too).
‘Yes, yes. It’s clearly the mesmer/guardian’s fault when a team wipes, and that of the other noob players for using nub stats other than berserker sets so our dps sucked.’
Thank you for perfectly illustrating my point as to why reactive rolling is needed, and what a frequent PuGrunner can expect to fix.
>5000 = competent
>7000 = experienced
<1500 = new but can do well if you teach
2000-3500 = the worst players. They will ignore advice because they think they know better, give you attitude problems when you teach the new guys and yet, they’re not good as they have been carried by other players all the time. They also insist on using exploits or tactics they saw other teams which carried them use, even if the exploit is irrelevant due to a different party composition. Particularly the entrance stack tactic to deal with the 3 golem champions in the absence of an elementalist in SEp1 – it’s a surefire sign of a bad player.There are exceptions, this is just the norm.
Lastly, be on the lookout if you see 4 players with 2000-3500 AP in the same guild. That kind of party composition has never failed to give the worst performance you can imagine in the game, join those only if you want to master the art of carrying 4 dead people who will abuse you for not using full zerk, even if you DO use full zerk.
PuGs are a mixed bag. The best runs I’ve ever had were with PuGs, the worst runs I’ve ever had are with other guilds, but the most frequent bad runs are also with PuGs.
I dont think Ive read a more generalizing, horse kitten statement today.
‘Yes, yes. It’s clearly the mesmer/guardian’s fault when a team wipes, and that of the other noob players for using nub stats other than berserker sets so our dps sucked.’
How can it not be the fault of an individual responsible for reflects on a fight that mitigates the largest sources of damage with reflects? Or do you just play how you want?
Meanwhile, your stated, total reliance on Ele is because you and any other members of the party combined do not meet the DPS check to burn at least 2 of the Golems before a rotation of Feedback and/or Wall of Reflection/general projectile absorption all expire, and so the Ele would have to make up the lack of DPS for you with FGS Rush.
Work on your doublespeak.
> you need an Ele to do this DPS check!
> no, somebody isn’t a noob for not doing enough DPS!
Maximum kek
(edited by Young Somalia.1706)