Whats new (in the last couple of years)?

Whats new (in the last couple of years)?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mjorladim.3840




I havent played this game in a few years (last thing I remember is making my way through the jungles of magumma…), would it be worth it for me to buy the xpac and come back and play? I tried searching the forums for this question but was unsuccessful. What has changed? Is there more things to enjoy for PvEers? I got really bored running AC and CoF…


Whats new (in the last couple of years)?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You can read the Patch Notes for the amount of time you’ve been gone for an in-depth list of what’s changed, or peruse the Releases site page(s) accessed via the ‘Releases’ link above for an overview.

Welcome return, and good luck.

Whats new (in the last couple of years)?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nihevil.8024


The expansion is half off right now, I would say it’s worth it. There’s raids, huge meta events on all of the maps, and of course elite specs. Also new legendaries if you’re into that.

Elitism in Guild Wars 2. http://i.imgur.com/ZGnzBCI.gif

Whats new (in the last couple of years)?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Felahr.9830



I havent played this game in a few years (last thing I remember is making my way through the jungles of magumma…), would it be worth it for me to buy the xpac and come back and play? I tried searching the forums for this question but was unsuccessful. What has changed? Is there more things to enjoy for PvEers? I got really bored running AC and CoF…


maguuma jungle as in heart of thorns? that came out a year ago, not several

Whats new (in the last couple of years)?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: slamb.4781


More Lag, More Salt, More gem store crap

Less care and effort from Anet.

Sir Kitty Litter
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader

Whats new (in the last couple of years)?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Luna Peregrina.5708

Luna Peregrina.5708

More Lag, More Salt, More gem store crap

Less care and effort from Anet.

Speaking of salt….

@OP To ask what has changed in years is a bit ridiculous to ask someone to summarise.
But if I had to do it in one word: Expansion.
You’d be best off just checking it out for yourself, to answer everything on forums would be difficult and you’d get nothing but subjective answers.
Expansion is 50% off so….

On a related note, I just came back from a 12month break and I’ve yet to be bored or disappointed so far.

Ruby Lauffeuer – Asura Ranger
Officer of Midway [mWAY] – Dragonbrand
~Veni Vivi Dormivi~

(edited by Luna Peregrina.5708)