When do servers gain space?

When do servers gain space?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Damarus.5938


Am looking to possibly switch servers – when do they gain more space? From what i know, they give a wave of space to each server (so fulls go to high or very high, very highs go to medium).

Is there a pattern i should look for, or certain times?

Member of Knights Templar [KT] – http://knights-templar.com

When do servers gain space?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


I was wondering the same thing.

When do servers gain space?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zerorogue.9410


It’s done by Anet’s decision. Whenever a majority of the server’s become very full Anet adds more slots. Additionally if there’s some sort of event that’s going to add more people (free to play weekend, sale on gw2, etc.) they often increase size as well.