Where do I go at lv80?
For stuff to do, give me a poke online
I’ve been hooked for a long time and there’s an asuran cubic league of things to do!
Dungeons are one choice. But you might want to set little goals for yourself. Get a certain set. Go for a certain title. Achieve a certain thing – do all the jp’s, for example.
Based on those goals, do a little bit of research and explore the aspects of the game, from then on!
i would suggest FRACTALS. They are a good way to pass time and is exclusive to lvl 80s.
One of the normal goals people set is the legendary weapon. But don’t focus too much on it.
Have you tried spvp? if not give it a try. It is not for everybody but you may like it.
Try finding hardcore gameplay. Start soloing dungeons, do fractals. Spare up to create full ascended. Go master your WvW skills! Plenty of stuff!
If you go to a crafting station, the bottom tab is the wardrobe – going to it this way lets you see every skin (other than outfits) you could get – though some of them won’t be feasible for you to get at this point in the game. You can preview even the skins you don’t have, and then check the wiki (use ‘/wiki <skin name>’ in the chat window) to see where you can get it.
Some of the best appearances people come up with are when they mix and match armor pieces from different sets, and then use dyes effectively.
You can do that with weapons too, but you’ll probably want to see what the difference between having the weapon stowed and wielded is. Some weapons will change depending on that, like Cobalt, a greatsword that appears to be on fire when you wield it.