Where's the suggestion section?

Where's the suggestion section?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Where do I post suggestions?
Can’t find any section for it.

Anyway, as soon as such is up, here’s something that bothers me:

Lack of disable-options, like floating XP and dmg numbers, or permanently turning off npc/other player life bars (only activate on left click, never on right click)
which would be less confusing in fights without having to use Tab.

Showing numbers in mob life bars would be nice too.
And most of all, the ability to rearrange the skill bar.
I really hate reaching out for 6=heal or twisting my fingers to the left for 1=autoattack, when I could simply locate it to slot 2…

Shouldn’t be that hard to patch these small changes, right?

Where's the suggestion section?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lucky.3870


From Guild Wars 2’s twitter profile I found that you can make suggestions here;


Where's the suggestion section?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: locoman.1974


No suggestion forum yet, they’re adding the subforums little by little, so it’ll probably be added in a few days or so.

As for the idea abour arranging the bars, haven’t heard anything of them even considering it, but in the meanwhile you could just change your bindings. Personally I use wasd for movement, bound the weapon skills to 123qe, healing skill at 4, utility ones at zxc and elite at v, so I have easy access to all of them.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.