Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IMonkeyAssasin.5708


I am new to GW2 and i whant to know which the the strongest PvP and PvE.And which one is the most fun.
Thanks for you’re time.

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adine.2184


Mesmer hands down .

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


I’m not very interested in which class is strongest, since I’m not very competitive and that can shift with balance tweaks, but I absolutely love playing Elementalist. It has lots of flashy moves and constant action, although it can be a little overwhelming if you’re not into it.

Really, though, I recommend trying a couple different classes that catch your eye and seeing which one you most enjoy the feel of after a couple of hours. Different people are going to have different preferences for what’s fun.

I wouldn’t recommend worrying about what’s “strongest” right now, because, like I said, that is likely to vary with future updates, new content, what part of the game you play, etc. Find something you enjoy, and you’ll have a far better time than something you pick because it has a moderate edge at the moment.

Welcome to GW2!

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Neither of these has a simple answer.

Like Redenaz said there’s not a simple answer to which is strongest because even if one has a distinct advantage now there are updates every 2 weeks which often include changes to skills and other aspects of builds. At the same time the meta is always changing because people come up with new ideas, and then other people come up with ways to counter that….

And which is most fun is a matter of opinion. I’ve played all the professions and I have 5 permanent characters and I’d say I find the ranger the most fun, closely followed by the elementalist and engineer, and that warrior and guardian are the most boring. But someone else might tell you they find guardians the most fun and rangers are boring. It depends on how you like to play.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hyde.6248


Well the strongest and most wanted classes are
this is a greatest to least list for pve. It’s also a mix of what I’ve seen before so don’t rely on what I say:).

Now since I don’t do pvp much my expertise in that area is a bit dry. But I think it goes somewhat like this
Now that’s probably incorrect I think it’s kind of close.

Now for the fun department, I’ve tried a few classes.

Warrior is considered to be op in pve and pvp and I’ve played it for quite a bit and found it so boring that I wanted to cry.

I’ve played mesmer which is mostly a support class in pve and is wanted because of things like time warp and reflect. Besides that it does some pretty poor dps but the shatter build can be quite nice in pvp, I liked the class and enjoyed it but got bored and it’s probably because I like to play classes that can bring more to a party dps-wise.

Elementalist is very fun but hard to level on the beginning. There’s a huge debate about whether if it’s a good or bad class. It CAN be good in pve and maybe in pvp if you know what to do. It can actually do the most damage in a party if you know what to do and use the conjured weapons. Hard to get the hang of in the beginning.

Guardian is my favorite class imo. It can be fun and very useful in party’s and in pvp or wvw or whatever you want to do. It’s probably why everyone and their mothers on my server play it.

I’ve tried a thief for a bit and they only really shine in pvp because of stealth and backstab and heart seeker etc. It’s kind of fun but it gets boring spamming the same skills. They’re kind of good in pve but not considered the strongest.

I haven’t really tried the other classes but at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter which class you pick as long as you’re enjoy it and are having fun.

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cranked.3812


Create a character and go to the pvp area (Heart of the mists). There your character will be level 80 and all skills and traits will be unlocked. It is an easy and relatively quick way to get an idea of what the class is and what it does.

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DiamondMeteor.8345


Roll a Guardian. Best group utility plus excellent sustain, AND they are great at dealing damage to boot. All around great class, with viability in every gamemode.

I just want to save you your sanity though: don’t play ranger. I have 4600+hours on ranger, been playing since the early betas, and I’m just warning you – you’ll be disappointed in rolling a profession that only has use in 1v1 scenarios, or some PvE areas.

Ranger / Revenant – Crystal Desert

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


For what it’s worth, I’ve never had trouble with my Ranger in PvE, and I use a hodgepodge build with whatever pet I think looks cool that day. Serious dungeon runners may or may not take issue with it, but if you’re just trying to enjoy PvE, not speedrun it, I think any class is generally viable.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


Maybe this video might help you decide on which class might potentially be FUN for you?

Good Luck!!! ^^

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mel.8769


Maybe this video might help you decide on which class might potentially be FUN for you?

Good Luck!!! ^^

Cute video!

I have a lot of fun playing double dagger elementalist, with a focus on fire.

Common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden. -Unknown

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


relative answer as others above have said. For me mesmer, ele and ranger are the most fun.

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

What is that saying about opinions?

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


^^ I’m glad you like it!
Yeah I can play all 8 classes with ANY Weapon/utility combos!

Sadly I didn’t make a youtube video on Elementalist with Daggers yet.
But I wouldn’t mind showing you it’s capabilities in game and give you some tips!

Feel free to add me on skype if you wana talk sometime!

Skype Username: DreamyAbaddon

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


What is that saying about opinions?

“Opinions are like tonsils: Everyone has a couple, they’re usually harmless, but sometimes have to be removed surgically?”

Pretty sure that was it.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nagr.1593


In the end its all a matter of perspective, everyone has their own playstyle and the classes that they find most fun/enjoyable are for them paradigms that best exemplify this. For instance, I originally wanted a class that could provide high sustained DPS and at the same time be more tankier to allow for better survivability. I was also leaning more towards melee combat, so warrior was the best choice for me. I went into it with the pre-conception that it would be a hack-and-slash class where youd just have to swing your GS and spam a button or two to win. I will say that once you truly become experienced with your class, you will find it really fun. Obviously I don’t agree that warrior is a boring class, once you understand a class and figure out which skills/weps are best for which situation you will rarely fail (and thus find it rather fun). For instance, earlier today I duo’d the Warder champ in TA with an ele while the rest of my group wiped somehow, I agree it is an easy champ but it was a fun fight, I was having a blast. My advice is to choose a class that best fits your playstyle, really all are fairly balanced.

For brief vid of what warrior class is capable of: http://youtu.be/mebQdX9CzhQ

And yes, I have better examples.. but this works :P

Arun Kar

(edited by nagr.1593)

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: coglin.1867


Most fun profession? Well just look at a list of the name of engineer skills. Decision made.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DanielGames.5198


The thing about GW2 is that a class doesn’t fully determine your play style. Your weapon set(s), utility skills, and traits ultimately determine it. As mentioned above, I highly suggest you go into the PvP lobby and toy around with all the class weapon and utility skills to get an idea. I also suggest you look at pve or pvp videos and see if any of those play styles look fun for you.

Which is the best (funnest) GW2 class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Frotee.2634


Well the strongest and most wanted classes are
this is a greatest to least list for pve. It’s also a mix of what I’ve seen before so don’t rely on what I say:).

You’d see Thief as better for PvE than Necro? for a beginner? Seriously? Necros are a cakewalk in PvE and make tagging (and taking down) multiple enemies awfully easy. Have you even played one?
shakes head

You have 5 or 6 character slots to start with – just try out different professions and see what matches your playing style best. One example: Yes, Guardians and Warriors are among the most wanted professions in dungeons. I don’t enjoy playing either.

Polka will never die