White/no gear challenge

White/no gear challenge

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sylanor.4205



I always wanted to play a Guardian, except that i can take on just about every enemy and hardly ever worry about being killed. That’s when i decided i would try to self impose some challenges to make playing more fun.

I just started a new Guardian and i plan to keep her in white gear, or gear with no stats. I am not sure how it will work out though, i know most monsters are a piece of cake but i probably won’t be able to take on skill challenges and probably a bunch of other monsters.

I could also not use Traits but i fear i will become near completely useless if i don’t. So what i wonder is if someone has any advice for me or more knowledge of how no stats compares to fully geared and great stats. And how much are Traits needed? Perhaps someone has a good idea for another self imposed challenge? I’ll probably use them anyway because i want to know what Guardian is about and what my options are.


White/no gear challenge

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

I (necro) prefer the no armor challenge myself though it is much harder in high level areas.

White/no gear challenge

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sylanor.4205


Do you run around naked? What about weapons? I noticed Staves without stats are impossible to get. The only one out there is the Elementalist starter choice staff, but it is Bind on Acquire. Do your pets tank a lot? My Guardian has the Summon Sword and Hammer, but i feel it’s cheating.

I have reached level 12 on my Guardian without stats, i have most weapons acquired from the beginner class choices. So far i am really enjoying it. Every time i face two monsters it’s so exciting and i have to do my best to survive. I am quite useless in Champion events and the like, scoring at most a silver medal. But i don’t mind. Veterans are fun to fight and it takes a while too.

Sometimes it’s not fun though, when you have 50-75% of your health and some NPC one shots you with his special move.. Guess it can’t be avoided. I suggest someone else try it too if they are considering it, it’s a lot of fun!

(edited by Sylanor.4205)

White/no gear challenge

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alissah.9281


A fun challenge would be: only use equipment which you find, youre not allowed to buy them anywhere or get form ogher players. When equipment gets damaged upon death, you must destroy it.
Or you can jus run around naked in the first place, itll be fun!
Guardians and warriors can kind of auto attack through the whole game :/, i recommend mesmer or thief or ele or something, but thats just personal style

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White/no gear challenge

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Charismatic Harm.9683

Charismatic Harm.9683

I took on a similar challenge in GW1 by finishing all of the missions in Prophecies with my ranger using nothing but starter armor and bow using only Henchmen (before Heroes were even introduced into the game).

It was quite fun and challenging. Many of the missions took several attempts, but that was the fun of it.

It was also quite fun having Infused starter armor, lol.

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