Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duhchris.6095


I personally think it is just the silliest idea ever. Just out of curiosity, why?

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Same, most of our people weren’t even repping us by default for a few days, so that was wasted influence. On top of that there is guild loyalty. Whos to stop someone from taking everything from the guild bank and putting it into another guilds bank? Sure theres a log, but the least ANet would do about that is ban the scammer, I doubt they’d take the time to reverse the damage as well.

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Akhaandir.8297


It’s actually a pretty good idea. For larger guilds, it allows them to create a second sister guild, and either move some people there or use it to invite new people too. Also, it gives people the option of joining guilds with specific focuses like WvWvW, events, roleplaying etc, and swap between them depending on what they’re doing at the time.

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duhchris.6095


Absolutely. I think it’s pointless to even be in a guild, people are just going to use guilds for personal benefits, switch between guilds using upgrades etc.

(edited by duhchris.6095)

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kal.2376


I also think it’s a good idea. This is optional, and you can stay on a single guild if you want. But you can also join a PVE centric guild, and another WvW centric guild, and just change from one to the other as needed.

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ecwoodrow.7034


You could always just try not spamming guild invites to random people, so that you don’t have people you don’t even know in your group.

Atsug Em – [RvR] – lvl 80 Engineer – IoJ
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Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vexus.5423


Pretty sure the focus was to deal away with all the turmoil you get from other MMOs and guilds etc. There’s going to be very little drama around guilds now because it’s not such a big deal and you can always meet new friends and guild with them as well. No need to struggle with the decision to leave your loyal but unproductive guild to join more active new friends. Do both!

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


It’s actually a pretty good idea. For larger guilds, it allows them to create a second sister guild, and either move some people there or use it to invite new people too. Also, it gives people the option of joining guilds with specific focuses like WvWvW, events, roleplaying etc, and swap between them depending on what they’re doing at the time.

That is one major advantage, being able to split up people better. However the down sides really hurt the smaller guilds, like a lot of people have between their personal RL friends. If i switch my representation to a bigger guild, im cutting out influence that my group of friends really need to thrive. We have about 12 people in my guild that are all local friends, and we are only able to get about 1000 influence each day because of people’s schedules in being able to play. Thats not bad, but if just 1 person swapped out repping another guild for just 1 round of WvW, thats a lot of influence that we lose.

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

Multiple guilds gives people the option of belonging to several different social groups, and (if the guild cares about such things) repping for that guild when they’re out with that group of people.

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Algonda Friedenbaum.2930

Algonda Friedenbaum.2930

Actually, I like the idea of having a multiple guild system, especially with the cap on guilds being 500. Granted, that’s a lot of people, but if you’re in a very large guild, being able to have a ‘sister’ guild is a very good idea, especially since at the present there are no alliances at this time (however, that’s supposedly being worked on).

However (sorry for the edit), having said that, I was worried that I would be continually fending off unwanted invitations from guilds that I never heard of, or wanted to join. Was getting hammered with them during the BWEs, but fortunately, haven’t had to deal with that since release.

If you’re a ‘guild hopper’, for whatever reason (time and the guild’s main focus come to mind), then you can freely go back and forth between the two and enjoy playing the game without having to hunt around for a PvP, sPvP, etc., group … although PUGs are a lot better than they were in GW1 simply because of no trinity, and therefore not needing to get healers, tanks, etc., it’s much easier to switch to the appropriate guild, team up, and head out …. in whatever direction.

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raf.1078


Its just an option. You don’t have to use it. Neither do you have to recruit players that are members of other guilds either…if it really bothers you that much.


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Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kal.2376


It’s actually a pretty good idea. For larger guilds, it allows them to create a second sister guild, and either move some people there or use it to invite new people too. Also, it gives people the option of joining guilds with specific focuses like WvWvW, events, roleplaying etc, and swap between them depending on what they’re doing at the time.

That is one major advantage, being able to split up people better. However the down sides really hurt the smaller guilds, like a lot of people have between their personal RL friends. If i switch my representation to a bigger guild, im cutting out influence that my group of friends really need to thrive. We have about 12 people in my guild that are all local friends, and we are only able to get about 1000 influence each day because of people’s schedules in being able to play. Thats not bad, but if just 1 person swapped out repping another guild for just 1 round of WvW, thats a lot of influence that we lose.

Sure, that is the downside. But the upside is that your friend can still play in your guild (with his RL friends), and also partake in large WvW that he likes with a large guild. He gets the best of both worlds. Playing with friends, and PVP. Put yourself in his shoes. Would you prefer he has to choose between playing with RL friends. or leaving them to join a larger guild? That’s a bad position to be in…

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


It’s actually a pretty good idea. For larger guilds, it allows them to create a second sister guild, and either move some people there or use it to invite new people too. Also, it gives people the option of joining guilds with specific focuses like WvWvW, events, roleplaying etc, and swap between them depending on what they’re doing at the time.

That is one major advantage, being able to split up people better. However the down sides really hurt the smaller guilds, like a lot of people have between their personal RL friends. If i switch my representation to a bigger guild, im cutting out influence that my group of friends really need to thrive. We have about 12 people in my guild that are all local friends, and we are only able to get about 1000 influence each day because of people’s schedules in being able to play. Thats not bad, but if just 1 person swapped out repping another guild for just 1 round of WvW, thats a lot of influence that we lose.

Sure, that is the downside. But the upside is that your friend can still play in your guild (with his RL friends), and also partake in large WvW that he likes with a large guild. He gets the best of both worlds. Playing with friends, and PVP. Put yourself in his shoes. Would you prefer he has to choose between playing with RL friends. or leaving them to join a larger guild? That’s a bad position to be in…

Heh with my group of friends its loyalty or GTFO :P

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mockingjay.8723


Guild Wars 2 was designed to be an actual social MMO, to encourage people to play together and play with their friends. Being able to represent multiple guilds allows people to have a separate guild for just friends and family, and be in a hardcore PvP or WvW guild, and maybe join that cute crafting guild for some help figuring out how to craft well. I think that it’s not silly, it’s genius.

The fact that this allowed guilds to be account-wide (not character-specific – and it might’ve been the other way around) prevents a LOT of drama. People can’t join on alts and cause a bunch of trouble and spy around because they are recognized by their username. So it’s useful, and helpful.

What do you really see wrong with being able to join multiple guilds?

Same, most of our people weren’t even repping us by default for a few days, so that was wasted influence. On top of that there is guild loyalty. Whos to stop someone from taking everything from the guild bank and putting it into another guilds bank? Sure theres a log, but the least ANet would do about that is ban the scammer, I doubt they’d take the time to reverse the damage as well.

If your guild is that concerned about people not representing enough, make it a guild rule that says “If you don’t represent [this much] every [amount of time] you will be removed from the guild.” If your guild is too casual to have a website or some way to make a charter or code of conduct, it’s too casual to be concerned about members representing.

A guild leader can set very specific permissions on the guild bank. They can set what ranks can withdraw from what type of bank (stash, trove or cave), and what ranks can deposit into what type of bank. So if people are going in and stealing stuff, have your leader change the permissions so items can only be deposited and not withdrawn. It’s really quite easy, and quite secure if the guild leader can be on the ball about things like that.

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fay.2735


I don’t mind the idea of multiple guilds it’s just that there should be some sort of restriction between swapping between them.

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Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kal.2376


I don’t mind the idea of multiple guilds it’s just that there should be some sort of restriction between swapping between them.

That would add an unnecessary burden to the system. I log in, none of my RL friends are on. So I change to my WvW guild. I play 30 mins, and then my RL guild logs in and wants to do a dungeon… Sorry, all the influence will go to my WvW guild because I have a block on the number of times I can change guilds…

If we are going to request a feature, there better be a really good reason for it… I do not see a timer on guild swapping as something that would benefit the game.

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mockingjay.8723


I don’t mind the idea of multiple guilds it’s just that there should be some sort of restriction between swapping between them.

Like I said in an earlier post, if your guild is that concerned about people not wearing your colors, make it a rule that people either can’t represent/join other guilds, or make it a limit like “x number of hours per y amount of time.”

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pixagen.9567


However the down sides really hurt the smaller guilds, like a lot of people have between their personal RL friends. If i switch my representation to a bigger guild, im cutting out influence that my group of friends really need to thrive.

So don’t bail on your friends and join some other guild? Problem solved!

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vicious.2193


It’s actually a pretty good idea. For larger guilds, it allows them to create a second sister guild, and either move some people there or use it to invite new people too. Also, it gives people the option of joining guilds with specific focuses like WvWvW, events, roleplaying etc, and swap between them depending on what they’re doing at the time.

This, 10 times over. I’m currently in three guilds for three different reasons. I have a social guild from a forum that I regular that I will pop into when I’m not doing PvE content and in the guild for that or WvW content with the guild I run that with.

Do you see the sins you’re making? ‘Cuz I’ve made them all before.

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scott.7496


Not sure why it would bother anyone. If you don’t like it, then just don’t use it.

Who's idea was it to allow you to be in multiple guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AdamLiborio.8436


What I like about the idea: If you have different subsets of friends or people you like to play with who don’t necessarily share or want to be in the same guild but you want to be in both. Like some have said, you may have a guild for WvW, another for PvE and another for sPvP. You may enjoy all these things but some people might only enjoy one or two of them so they won’t want to be in a guild that focuses on something they don’t care about.

What I don’t like about it:
I started a guild. We make very little influence since there is only like 3 or 4 of us representing. If I understand the system properly those who aren’t representing do not make you any influence. It seems that some people aren’t representing by default when they join. So I’m sure some people aren’t representing and they don’t even know it. If you don’t already have a guild it should represent the first guild you join by default at the very least.

EDIT: also about robbing the guild bank. Don’t give withdraw access to those you don’t trust? It’s still possible a “loyal” member you have trusted will rob your bank but that’s a chance you take. They could even do that if there was only 1 guild per person.