Why Do Pets Attack Some Bosses, Not Others?

Why Do Pets Attack Some Bosses, Not Others?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kraggy.4169


I can’t figure out the difference between, say, Tequatl and Claw but my Ranger’s pets attack one but not the other.

This morning the Jungle Stalker quite happily went off to slap Claw around but stood resolutely by my side when invited to do the same with Teq.

I’ve often wondered about this, just what determines whether a pet will or won’t attack a boss? Are all class pets the same or will some attack, say a Necro’s pets while a Ranger’s doesn’t?

(edited by Kraggy.4169)

Why Do Pets Attack Some Bosses, Not Others?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: skyhawk.5149


Curious are you sure your pet was alive? Teq has huge rings of AoE circles and can easily wreck a pet especially if they go chasing out of the zerg which should have constant AoE healing from players and turrets. Claw doesn’t have that the same issue as much because when you’re full melee dpsing the claw he is stunned and won’t attack allowing you to freely hit him.

Retired Oceanic Commander of Eredon Terrace

Why Do Pets Attack Some Bosses, Not Others?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


If your pet is on “avoid combat” or you have recalled it (F3), you need to use the attack command (F1) or the pet will stay by your side.

Why Do Pets Attack Some Bosses, Not Others?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


I have an idea, though not a certainty. The dragon bosses have three targets: Head, claw, claw. If you have the head targeted I bet your melee pet can’t get to it.

Why Do Pets Attack Some Bosses, Not Others?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Have never seen this myself. Only thing my pets won’t attack on those two is the icewall at Jormag’s Claw.

Why Do Pets Attack Some Bosses, Not Others?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


I’ve taken a ranger to Teq this weekend and had my pet(s) run into battle his feet valiantly. Not sure what would be different for you.

That said, I noticed in the Silverwastes that standing just outside a vine crawler’s venom area left my pet standing right next to me despite being ordered to attack. If I sent it in after a mordrem enemy standing right next to the vine crawler, it happily oblidged. Maybe pet AI is being quirky?

edit for below: That makes a lot of sense, actually. I know some objects/enemies have that target spot above. Perhaps it creates a pathing issue.

(edited by synk.6907)

Why Do Pets Attack Some Bosses, Not Others?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

The attack location is a hidden object, if your pet/golem can’t hit it it means that the hit location needs to be lowered closer to the ground so they can, it’s a design flaw that they’ve addressed before but there are several other places where your pet/golem can’t hit.

  • Golem Mark II boss, the central hit location is too high for golems to find but if you ‘Charge!’ your golem to it, they can start to attack it, I don’t know if it affects melee pets.
  • Claw of Jormag ice wall, the hit location is too high for pets and golems (probably intentional though).

That’s all I can think of right now, there’s more though. Shadow Behemoth was one of them that they fixed.

Why Do Pets Attack Some Bosses, Not Others?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kraggy.4169


Thanks for the comments.

I can see the point perhaps about target points on the boss as being the basic cause as I see ranged pets such as spiders and bristlebacks attacking while my bear/cat sits passively .. and no, they’re not in ‘passive’ mode.

I’ll take more notice on Teq. later today, but just now my cat was again happily slapping Claw around.

Why Do Pets Attack Some Bosses, Not Others?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blude.6812


You see it on golem also. They do not attack it when the target is in the middle. They will attacl when the target( s) open up on the arms. Btw (referring to Lil Puppy mentioning the central target being to high) The arms target animations are a lot higher.