Why No Mistfire Wolf for Asuran Thief?

Why No Mistfire Wolf for Asuran Thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adine.2184


its only available to those that got the CE or DD editions of GW 2

Why No Mistfire Wolf for Asuran Thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Era.2930


Hi Elowin

mistfire wolf is part of the digital deluxe/collectors edition, you can only get it by owning one of those. It doesn’t have anything to do with what race/class you choose

hope that helps, listed on the shop page for your ref



Why No Mistfire Wolf for Asuran Thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


If you are interested in it you can also upgrade your account to digital deluxe for 2000 gems (which you can buy with gold if you wish).

Why No Mistfire Wolf for Asuran Thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


To buy gems with gold open the Black Lion window and click on the second tab ‘currency exchange’. You can’t buy the upgrade with gold directly but you can buy gems with gold and then use them to buy the upgrade.

All characters/races get the Mistfire Wolf. But there are also other elites exclusive to each profession and race.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Why No Mistfire Wolf for Asuran Thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elsdragon.5109


Mistfire Wolf is common across all the classes/race of accounts that have the Digital Deluxe (or Collector’s Edition) upgrade. You can trade gold for gems on the Black Lion Trading Post “Exchange Currency” tab. The price of gems is dependent on supply and demand, with a bit of a tax or tariff or whatnot. (If you bought gems with 2 gold and try to sell them, you’ll only get 1+) This is to stop people from profiting by exploiting the gem market I suspect.

As for how useful the Mistfire Wolf is, I find the Thieves Guild or Dagger Storm to be better, but it’s a matter of opinion. I think that elite is to just provide you with a free elite skill at level 30 in case you don’t have enough skill points to buy one yourself.

Also, I believe that the Digital Deluxe also gives other items as well, namely a Chalice to give extra glory for pvp, a Tome for extra influence, a Miniature of Rytlock once per account, and a Banker Golem (with 5 day use time) and a Hero’s Band for every character on the account.

Why No Mistfire Wolf for Asuran Thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Sooo, is/was Mistfire Wolf worth it? Better then Thieves Guild or the Golem? Do other races or classes get other different kinds of help and Mistfire Wolf is common to all of them?

1) Any account that is Deluxe (or Collectors) gets internally flagged by ArenaNet to get free access to Mistfire Wolf. Once any character reaches 30th on that account, they get access to this bonus Elite skill and it doesn’t cost any Skill Points to access.

2) Mistfire Wolf is basically a single target dps pet. You summon it, it does a leaping charge on your current target, and bites them. However once per summon, the Mistfire Wolf does a howling animation and summons ghost wolf puppies. After the invincible puppies run next to the target, they disappear and an AoE continuous damage effect gets centered on the target. This AoE does very nice damage and it does apply both the Burn and Chill debuffs to any mob that was hit by the AoE. If they’re all bunched together, the AoE will easily hit multiple targets. (Please note that the Mistfire Wolf can get interrupted during the howling animation. If this happens, it will normally try to howl a 2nd time before it despawns at the end of the 30 second timer. When fighting multiple foes who use Knocks or other forms of interrupting, it is possible for the AoE to never go off successfully. The AoE is where the real damage comes from, so this is something to keep in mind.)

3) As someone who uses Mistfire Wolf on my defensive Warrior and Thieves Guild on my Thief, I’ve seen both of them in action. All things considered, I’d normally take Thieves Guild if I could. While the pistol gun bunny and melee trapper pets don’t have that giant spike of AoE damage, their single target damage is significant and they’re very good against both stationary and mobile opponents. The Thief pets are tough enough to off-tank as needed (though this will kill them), have a noticeable dps output when they focus on your target, and can be augmented with AoE buffs (which makes them extremely good for Venomous Aura builds).

4) If you want a true tank pet, then you’d want to use Skill Points to access the 30 pt defensive golem. While I’ve never used it on my defensive Asura Warrior (who uses the Mistfire Wolf), I’ve heard that glass cannon dps builds love that golem as an emergency tank. However that pet is intentionally a defensive choice and it won’t have the dps output of either Mistfire Wolf or Thieves Guild.

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