Why have I lost my interest?

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lejean.9615


Well, after I played few betas I was very impatient for the release…so boom, and here GW2 is, playable and done. So I created my char, lvled up to 80 doing as much things as possible. I was not rushing like mad, and I had my 80 lvl after a bit more than 2 weeks. So I made some dungeons, started to do some hearts from different zones etc… And now I am bored!

I’m not even interested in Halloween event! What was happened to me? I was “fanboy” at release, and now I log sometimes just to play a bit of TP, and later I will buy my 100g weapon (so 90g more, hee hee). That’s all. I dont do dungeons anymore, because some of them are hard and rewards aren’t…rewarding. Few blues from chest? No, thanks. And that (nerfed) silver reward sometimes can be fully used to pay repair bills. I am not even interested in doing 100% world map! WvW seems to be interesting, but those low FPS… sPvP was nice, too, but… 4 maps? A bit boring

Well, I will still play GW2, but not like I was playing after release. I will play and wait for new pvp maps, new content…maybe it will give my interest back!

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Calsie.2501


I’m kind of feeling the same. I think maybe it’s because I can’t find motivation to do things. The rewards just aren’t there.

Not enough carrot on the stick, for me.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: datheway.8364


welcome to the club

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lejean.9615


Not enough carrot on the stick, for me.

Yes, indeed. Even legendary weapons aren’t motivation for me – because it all is about gold…hundreds of gold. And I don’t do dungeons, because my armor BOUGHT FROM THE TRADING POST seems to be the best looking, for me. Weapons too. I am aiming for Foefire’s Essence, so AC will be the only one dungeon I will farm.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hellsmachine.4085


Sounds like you’re just burnt out, give it a rest for a while then come back later. There’s no subscription fee.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bhuta.1480


Must say I feel the same, don’t want any gear treadmill but other than the legendary weapon which doesn’t really appeal I can’t find anything to motivate me any further, there’s not even faction grinds or anything like that and money is just such a pain to get that I just can’t be bothered. O well,was fun for a month or so,definitely got my monies worth and with no sub at least I can keep popping in for a peek every now and then.Until then I’m having a great time in allods online and darkfall comes in about a month.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DJZephyr.4921


How can we be burnt out after a matter of weeks? I played WoW, Oblivion and Fallout 3 (among others) for MONTHS ON END without ‘burning out.’

The OP is right, all that hype and excitement and there’s no friggin’ reward. Three weeks of glitchy quests and excessive mob density to 80 with a bit of alt-ing mixed in and all I get for my effort is a low-paying grind. And you all know full well it’s because A-net wants us to buy gems and spend them on in-game gold. The game didn’t even ship with enough bank space for ONE character, let alone five. And it SHOULD have shipped with EIGHT character slots, so I can try out ALL of the different classes. It feels like I spent $60 of birthday money on a ‘free-to-play’ game when I should have bought Skyrim after all.

Read the whole post or DO NOT REPLY.
Zeppillin (Eng), Neudel (Rngr)- Crystal Desert

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hellsmachine.4085


DJZephyr, the game has been out for 2 months now, plenty of people still having fun.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lejean.9615


How can we be burnt out after a matter of weeks? I played WoW, Oblivion and Fallout 3 (among others) for MONTHS ON END without ‘burning out.’

I played WoW for years, too (until GW2 came, and played GW1 as break from wow). But WoW had many carrots on a stick: farming raids for better gear, weapons. Dungeons for achievs, rare mounts, legendary weps, arena ranking with horrible pvp…

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vince.5937


I played WoW for years, too (until GW2 came, and played GW1 as break from wow). But WoW had many carrots on a stick: farming raids for better gear, weapons. Dungeons for achievs, rare mounts, legendary weps, arena ranking with horrible pvp…

Those aren’t carrots on sticks. Those are smelly gym socks on slinkies. I’m glad there’s no such thing as raid farming and super-uber-only-ten-people-will-ever-get-them items. It makes the game a pain for casual players since they know they won’t ever get the chance at the “cool” stuff.

vince.5937 — Tarnished Coast — Les Saintes
R.I.P. City of Heroes, 2004-2012
Long Live Atlas Park 33

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Digital Dragon.2697

Digital Dragon.2697

I’m almost there, but for me I think it’s because I play to much. I love my Ranger, it’s my highest. I mostly get bored because it’s the same skills used over and over. Yes, I know you can swap weapons, but some sets just suck.

As for the Halloween event, meh. In every mmo I’ve played, sesonal events never really made me go “wow!”. Except WoW, they had good sesonal events.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hellsmachine.4085


Quite simple, I’ve noticed a trend with WoW players and this “Lack of reward” nonsense that keeps coming up. They’re just seeking for a cheap alternative to their dopamine hit addiction. This game was designed to be fun, where as WoW just like Poker machines was designed to be addictive.

(edited by hellsmachine.4085)

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lejean.9615


I had more fun in GW1, farming (speedclearing) same dungeons 100 times, or elite locations. GW2 has dungeons, but missed elite locations, like urgoz/uw/fow! It would be fun… And yes, pvp in gw1 was more fun, because I had much, much more skills and attributes to choose.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The LZ.7891

The LZ.7891

How can we be burnt out after a matter of weeks? I played WoW, Oblivion and Fallout 3 (among others) for MONTHS ON END without ‘burning out.’

The OP is right, all that hype and excitement and there’s no friggin’ reward. Three weeks of glitchy quests and excessive mob density to 80 with a bit of alt-ing mixed in and all I get for my effort is a low-paying grind. And you all know full well it’s because A-net wants us to buy gems and spend them on in-game gold. The game didn’t even ship with enough bank space for ONE character, let alone five. And it SHOULD have shipped with EIGHT character slots, so I can try out ALL of the different classes. It feels like I spent $60 of birthday money on a ‘free-to-play’ game when I should have bought Skyrim after all.

You do know that any Elder Scrolls game gets pretty bad after a few hours of play. Like, it starts to lag, freeze etc. Whether on PC or console, due to the file becoming too large. Sooo… Talk about a waste? The game(s) still get 10/10 for some reason.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vince.5937


That sounds like a problem with your computer, LZ. I’ve never had that happen with any Elder Scrolls game.

vince.5937 — Tarnished Coast — Les Saintes
R.I.P. City of Heroes, 2004-2012
Long Live Atlas Park 33

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing that you’re playing less than you were. GW2 is very well suited to casual play – log in, run across a map doing whatever takes your fancy (for me it’s often searching for cooking ingredients), letting two or three events sweep you up on the way. The lack of treadmill means it may not get played as heavily as some MMOs, but again, I think that’s a design difference not a failing.

There were new events added with the Halloween stuff (among other things) so if you re-roll later on, hopefully the early zones will be slightly different from how you remember them. I think for many of us who followed all the news and played in the betas, we just know everything too well now and have re-played the same stuff too much. Give it a while until the game can surprise you again! Playing casually is ok.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Digital Dragon.2697

Digital Dragon.2697

“I’ve noticed a trend with WoW players and this “Lack of reward” nonsense that keeps coming up.”

It’s not just a WoW thing. Every mmo gave you better loot for harder bosses. Some people like being rewarded for working hard to kill something (I know I do). I think at least Champs and dungeon bosses should give better stuff.

I’m not saying make it like super uber rare loot, but at least greens (that you can use)…not blues and junk.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

@Digital Dragon,
I disagree. Video games have always been very addictive. MMO’s have a different factor in it called a social factor. WoW is the most famous one leaning on that. You need to be online at that time of day to participate in that raid (your guild is asking that from you tom be recognised as a valuable guildmember) and you need to prepare for the raid in advance to be able to do it. As a reward you get eyecandy and better stats to do the next raid even better. This means you are pressed to keep on playing more and more and more and they are trying to control your everyday life.

I really understand it is self-discipline to not fall for those ‘traps’ (and huge kuddo’s if you did) but those games are designed to get you addicted, so you keep on paying the monthly fee.

GuildWars 2 has a different mindset. You will not be rewarded for being n addict, and neglecting your real life. It offers a very interesting gameplay in PvE wich is very rewarding if you take your time, and if you like ´they offer very good competitive elements in PvP (and it keeps gettign better).

As soon as you bought the game, they got you. With that I mean that for Blizzard (and others) where they need you to keep on playing. Off course they hope to get you interested enough to buy future content. But if you rush through things too fast (for whatever reason), you have to wait for new content so people who have more real life have time to chatch up. Untill then you can choose to grind for some better eyecandy, play another game till the next content comes out, or ragequit.

The people in the ragequit category are imo the people who are too much addicted. For the people complaining here I do not put you in the last category (ragequit means ragequit and you wouldn’t be commenting here), but I do advise to be patient. And maybe check your achievements log. there are imo some very interesting titles to fill in since the last update.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SpyderBite.6274


I agree with HellsMachine. Past MMO’s rewarded people who raced to End Game. It has been imprinted in to the DNA of today’s MMO gamer.

There is no cure for this. You can’t teach somebody to have fun by trying new things. They have to stumble across the fun factor all on their own.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: seithan.4823


tbh the dungeons are off a different mindset. In the beggining i was also frustated by the difficulty and lack of rewards.

but rewards are there: A full dungeon will get you one piece of armor from the vendor. Two days worth of dungeon runs (3paths x 2times) will get you any exotic weapon or so.

So in the end, getting armor is quite fast as long as you get passed the initial phase, that is wearing greenies.

To me, i just log in for some wvw, some dungeon and all that for fun. i have two sets of armor on my warrior and all possible weapons so i just log in to swing. Thats what i like.

Rig#1: i2500k@4Ghz/ 8GB Ram @ 1600/ Asus GTX580 CU
Rig#2: Core2duo@3Ghz/ 4GB DDR2/ 9800gtx+

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rising Vengeance.2768

Rising Vengeance.2768

I played WoW for years, too (until GW2 came, and played GW1 as break from wow). But WoW had many carrots on a stick: farming raids for better gear, weapons. Dungeons for achievs, rare mounts, legendary weps, arena ranking with horrible pvp…

Those aren’t carrots on sticks. Those are smelly gym socks on slinkies. I’m glad there’s no such thing as raid farming and super-uber-only-ten-people-will-ever-get-them items. It makes the game a pain for casual players since they know they won’t ever get the chance at the “cool” stuff.

umm…there’s no way a “casual” player will get anywhere near legendary weapons unless you go tonnes of real money. and right lets make a legendary weapon that’s super hard to get suck big time so there arent really worth going for…HUH?

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vince.5937


But you can still get them. In WoW, there were items that could only be attained and used by specific classes/races/players, usually numbering in the tens. There were items that took the aid of 40+ people to get and only one of those 40 got the reward. There were promotional items that you had to pay a lot of money for (and some people MADE a lot of money off of selling). There were items that dropped so rarely from 4-8 hour-long dungeons that only 5-6 people per server had them, let alone seen them. There were even items that were restricted to one single solitary player, never again being available ever (looking at you AQ mount).

Legendary weapons are just a lot of farming, which anyone can do. Time consuming? Yes. Restricted to only a handful of players? No.

vince.5937 — Tarnished Coast — Les Saintes
R.I.P. City of Heroes, 2004-2012
Long Live Atlas Park 33

Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kruunch.3714


Glad I’m not the only one feeling this way.


Why have I lost my interest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rosen Myst.7641

Rosen Myst.7641

None of the medium dungeon armors look that cool too me; so I have no motivation to farm dungeons. Similary the legendary skins for bows are less than epic; so no reason to go for that either. WvW is fun as long as you have a good battle going. But I play on the Crystal Desert server; the last few weeks battles have been more one-sided. Finally, I find it somewhat distasteful that ANET seems to be doing everything they can to create money sinks and to push gems even in the holiday events. I realize they are a business trying to make some money, but the way it has been implemented in GW2 makes me less interested in playing.