Why should I take up your Profession?

Why should I take up your Profession?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Junkie.7460


I recently made a post like this on the Necromancer forums, the wealth of responses I received and the interesting anecdotes given made me want to open up the question to all classes.
This is not just for me, but for any new or old players looking for a new Profession and community to join. Recruit us.

What makes your Profession the best? And why should I join your ranks?

Should I study the forbidden Necromantic Arts, defying death itself whilst spelling it out for my enemies?
Or should I follow the path of Science and Technology with an Engineer, using my wit and intelligence to survive any battle?
Would I prefer to dance between the shadows as a Thief, a blur in the midst of the fight, slicing my opponents before they know I’m there?
Or do I follow the way of nature, taming the wilds to my will alongside my Animal companion?
What advantage does the Illusory magic of the Mesmer have over these other choices?
Or is true strength found in your skill with a blade and physical might as a Warrior?
Should I control the elements at a whim as an Elementalist?
Or stand between my enemies and allies with powerful armor and an even more powerful resolve as a Guardian?

Tell me why your Professions is the best of the lot, and why you could be no other.
What point in your career made you realize that there was nothing else for you?
What makes you proud you took up this mantle?

Why should I take up your Profession?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Syrpharon.7491


Syr Pharon was a member of the Blood Legion. Despite being a Charr, he was born wiser and less hot-headed than its comrades, quieter and more observant. One day, by exploring a new section discovered in the ancient Catacombs as an assignment from his legion, he was involved in a deadly incident that killed all his comrades. A ghostly spear pierced his chest, stabbing his heart. At first, he felt like dying. But later on, he awakened on the ground of the catacomb, his wounds healed, with him as the only survivor.
Syr Pharon took this as an omen, and from there on, he decided to travel the land to help other people, leaving the Charr society and his warband. He didn’t know that the Foefire had something prepared for him, and that its power was slowly permeating all of his body.

Being a Guardian is not a choice. You are born this way from the very beginning.
You can choose to steal, to take care of your pet, to train yourself and become stronger, to study the elements or the dark arts, to learn tricks to deceive the others, to study technology.
But to become a Guardian takes even more. A rare and unique mixture of Fate, predisposition, insight, vital energy, willpower.

Why should I take up your Profession?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


The best profession is to command all professions at your disposal.

Why should I take up your Profession?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Desamos.1836


ranger, longbow, 1500+ range, 1, 2, 1, 2, repeatedly, and relax in the back while your team gets chewed on.

Why should I take up your Profession?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lazuli.2098


There are many players who have heroes in multiple professions. I am one of those and enjoy playing all 8 of them. One is my favorite though – mesmer. I love that they can use many different weapons and can be traited to play different styles. They can use ranged weapons and melee. They can be played offensively or defensively. They have some fun utility skills that can be very useful in specialized situations – portal, mass invisibility, feedback, etc. Their illusions (clones and phantasms) can be traited for different uses. It’s fun trying out different combos of things to try with mesmers.

Why should I take up your Profession?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Well none of them are technically any PLAYERs class…..(if you read the EULA).

I play them all (and am self professed master of none). I gravitate toward my Thief, Warrior and Engineer, however.

ranger, longbow, 1500+ range, 1, 2, 1, 2, repeatedly, and relax in the back while your team gets chewed on.

That’s either great satire or why Rangers have such a bad reputation (or both).

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances