Will PvP in this game always be like this?

Will PvP in this game always be like this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kobal.5234



After having spent most of my time in PvE content leveling different classes, I’ve started to dabble in WvWvW and sPvP. And so far, it’s one the lesser pvp systems in a triple A title that I’ve seen throughout my MMO career.

W3 essentially devolves into a zergfest. Not much else going on. That while the concept of this system is something I was actually looking forward to. So much wasted potential. The only way I can enjoy this part of the game is when i go at it solo. That way there’s an actual challenge involved and it actually feels like PvP instead of some glorified PvE monster gauntlet.

As for sPvP… Well, it’s good fun. But the maps are just too small and there is little in the way of rewards worth fighting for. The stick is there, but there’s no carrot attached. It boils down to being a fun little diversion, but little else.

Now don’t get me wrong, this post o’ mine might sound a bit whiny, but I am geniunely wondering if anything is going to be changed/improved/etc? Or is it just me and am I part of a minority that dislikes the way PvP is handled in GW2?

I ask this, because PvE endgame content is pretty much negligible and I really want to continue playing. But if this is all there is and no change in sight, I’m afraid I’ll be saying goodbye fairly soon.

P.S.; If you simply want to reply to my post because my opinion isn’t the same as yours without giving any contructive critisism… please just don’t click the reply button at all

Will PvP in this game always be like this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Well they are trying to fix the whole ‘zerg is the answer to everything’. Whether they succeed is to be seen.

sPvP map size is probably not going to increase unless they also increase the team size. I don’t play sPvP but I suspect very few people would enjoy spending a significant amount of their time just trying to get from point A to point B. WvW actually suffers a bit from this even if your server got all the waypoints built.

Will PvP in this game always be like this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kobal.5234


Well they are trying to fix the whole ‘zerg is the answer to everything’. Whether they succeed is to be seen.

Great. I might stick around to see what they’ll do.

Thanks for your reply

Will PvP in this game always be like this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


SPvP is more than hotjoins, in fact I’d say that hotjoins are just a little diversion from the main meat of it: Tournaments. First of all they’re not 8 vs 8 like most hotjoins but 5 vs 5, around which the maps are balanced. Second they’re rated. Third, they can be joined with a group.

Yes, the rewards get redundant quite fast and there’s not much to look forward to once you get to r30/r40 and get the title for winning 150 tournaments on a class, but they announced they are gonna improve the rewards in PvP. Not that they should be a primary focus, imo.

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“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”