Wintersday bell choir music
Drop Acid Not Bombs (Richie Hawtin)
They probably sound familiar because they are/were also playing in game. Several of them were composed for Wintersday specifically. At least ‘Prelude to Wintersday’, ‘Flight of the Imaginarium’ and ‘The Great Toymaker’.
‘Guild Wars’ plays at least on character selection screen and ‘Fear Not This Night’ plays in the Grove.
I don’t know about ‘Beyond the Hills of Snow’.
Check out ArenaNet’s soundcloud account, they usually put their music up there:
Even this year I cannot find the medley for “Prelude to Wintersday”. It’s not on soundcloud either?
Drop Acid Not Bombs (Richie Hawtin)
this is what I’m looking for
Drop Acid Not Bombs (Richie Hawtin)