WoW traitor...
1. For arenas, you can jump right in by clicking on the crossed swords icon on the top left of your screen.
From there you can enter the Heart of the Mists to customize your maxed out character (everything is available to you from the start with the exceptions of the newly added healing skills + racial skills)
Or you can enter right from the browser either standard play or tournament play.
The battlegrounds equivalent would be WvW, which can be accessed by the top left tower icon or hotkey “B”. This is a bit different than arena pvp, you enter the battle at your current level with the skills you unlocked through PvE and you are then given stat boosts accordingly.
You can gain experience and items from this.
2. Crafting not only gives crafting profession exp, it also gives standard exp as well.
Its a fast but expensive way to get to level 80.
Its quicker and easier to buy your equipment from the trading post as you level up, but
look into artificer (magic weapons) and tailor (light armor) to craft high end ascended equipment once you reach 80.
3. Talent points need the appropriate training book to unlock each tier. But after those initial purchases (10 silver, 1 gold, 2 gold) its really cheap and easy to reset your traits.
(edited by Sobat.8650)
I played WoW for 6 years. Now im into GW2, which is so close, yet so different. I have a few questions.
1. I was a PVPer and loved battlegrounds and arenas. Can someone explain what I need to focus on to get on the right track to do these things on GW2?
2. I maxed out all professions in WoW. Do I need to craft things to level professions in GW2 as well? As a elementalist, which profession would be best to learn?
3. Talent points… Do I need to save them up or spend them as I get them?
Hey, Abbadon!
I’m… DreamyAbaddon!!! lol
Anyways, I played GW2 since beta and I have all 8 classes.
I would be more than happy to teach your Everything you need to know about Classes, Combat, and PvE/PvP in GW2.
I’m Currently Playing GW2 right now!!!
Feel free to contact me in game or on Skype!
My Skype Username: DreamyAbaddon
Looking forward in Gaming with you! =)
I played WoW for 6 years. Now im into GW2, which is so close, yet so different. I have a few questions.
There’s one more thing that might not be obvious – the skill points that you use to unlock your utility skills don’t have a cap – you keep earning them even after you’re max level, and they can be used as currency for certain crafting materials.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
Is there PVP gear like wow?
Not exactly. There are two types of PvP: World vs. World and Structured PvP.
In WvW you keep the same stuff on you wear in PvE. You can customize it to fit your needs. You’re scaled up to 80 but you have the same gear, skills, and traits, so a “real” 80 will have a huge advantage over someone who is actually only 10. (Plus more experience in playing their role).
In sPvP you get default armor, weapons, and sigils/runes. You can swap them out for free at the vendors. Different armor can be found/bought but is purely cosmetic for skins. In that you join an arena on a team. You don’t pick your team mates from match to match, or your team color. Everyone has the same power level, in order to make things skill based.
I believe in sPvP all of your stats are from your amulet. you can buy new amulets with different stat combos for free from one of the glory vendors. armor is purely cosmetic.
Skill Points are unlimited, but you don’t have many in low levels. Take a look at your skills and buy the ones you want. no need to save them.
Traits you can also assign freely as you get them. Use the training manuals to increase how many points you can assign to each part. Talk to your profession’s trainer to reset your trait points for a very small cost. when they are reset, you just get them all back and can re-assign them to any character build you want.
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you guys are awesome. so much better than wow players. you ask them questions and all you get is “noob, just kill yourself”. Can you level your character through PVP?
You cannot level your character through sPvP because it is a separate form and everyone is at the same level there. You can level at WvW, but personally i would not recommend that to be the main way of levvelling your fisrt character. Low level players will also be at disadvantage because they lack traits and equipment and may not have the best possible skills yet.
You cannot level your character through sPvP
Since the pvp patch last month you can. You can buy scrolls from certain vendors in the mists that will grant you 1 level per scroll.
you guys are awesome. so much better than wow players. you ask them questions and all you get is “noob, just kill yourself”. Can you level your character through PVP?
People are a lot more friendly in GW2. Mainly because there’s no competition over kills or resource nodes.
And yes – you can level through WvW. It’s my preferred method because I don’t see WvW as a grind unlike PvE. You get uplevelled to 80 and your gear is uplevel too – but only if it’s the right level for your character to start with.
Maybe for a first character it’s a touch ambitious – but if you are an experienced WoW battleground player it should come easy. It’s much like an immense Arathi Basin with castles.
Is there PVP gear like wow?
There is gear available specifically for WvW (not many people seem to be aware of it). It’s also usable for PvE unlike the sPvP stuff. It’s bought for karma, which is nice because it’s easier to get karma than gold.
Go to your server borderland, you’ll arrive in a big hall. At the other end of the hall are several vendors. One of them is the karma vendor. He’s the guy you want. He will sell you a new set of gear every few levels as you outgrow your old gear.
If you decide to try WvW levelling, get the aforementioned gear, make sure you have everything as tweaked as possible then look for the Commander. He has a blue icon over his head (and on the map). Stick to him like glue and do everything he says.
Let people know you’re new. They will want to help (mostly – there are idiots of course – just ignore them.)
One final point – Teamspeak or Ventrilo are often used in WvW. That makes communication a lot easier. If you are listening in at least you’ll know what is happening and why.
Oh – and one final, final point. Look for a WvW oriented guild. (Check the player name tags around you – especially the commanders)
{Edit} P.S Stay away from crafting – it’s a heavy gold sink.
(edited by Contiguous.1345)