Wondering if I'm leveling wrong?

Wondering if I'm leveling wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystfit.8309


When I first began to play, I didn’t understand the deleveling that takes place in the game. I went to each of the starter zones in an effort to experience them whiole it was still relevant AND collect harvesting mats. I’m now 41 but in only the second tier zones (one zone out from the starter maps. I"m still learning things every day (just learned how to do more then one weapon set yesterday!). And am wondering if I will regret this down the line.

Wondering if I'm leveling wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I don’t believe there’s any one way to level .. it’s typically up to the player’s personal choice. I, like you, did the various starter areas in my 20s and it took me into my late 30s … and I have no regrets about doing this. It just means I have a ton of new content I’ve yet to discover, and because of the delevelling you don’t have to be X-level to do X-map. The level suggestions on the map are the minimum requirement for the area so you don’t get smooshed. The rest, as they say, is up to you.

Don’t stress it .. enjoy the game the way YOU want to play it and the rest will fall into place on its own.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Wondering if I'm leveling wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


The only thing you might regret is that it’s going to take you a lot longer to accumulate the amounts of money and karma you will need for level appropriate gear later.

Leveling is easy. Everything you do in the game contributes to it, even while slumming in lower level zones. But even though you’re still accumulating decent XP in those zones, you aren’t getting the same level of money and karma as you would if you were doing content closer to your own level. You’ll be accomplishing tasks for copper when you could be accomplishing them for multiples of silver. Later, this will impede your ability to acquire better gear.

But this doesn’t permanently hinder you in any way. At worst. it only slows your progression a bit. And in this game, that really ain’t a bad thing at all.

Wondering if I'm leveling wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


If you’re having fun, you’re doing it right. No worries.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

Wondering if I'm leveling wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Durid.8014


Jayne hit the nail on the head, just play however is most fun for you.

Mystfit, when I was leveling up I was having fun getting 100% completion in zones, so like you I was doing all the easy zones and working my way to the hard ones. I ended up being in my 40-50s when doing level 20-30 zones etc. and no regrets here. If you are worried about being max level and completing zones for nothing after that, be aware that you continue to “level up” even after 80. You just don’t advance to level 81, you gain a skill point everytme you level up after 80.

Look at my eyes. One of them is a fake because I lost it in an accident. Since then, I’ve
been seeing the past in one eye and the present in the other. So, I thought I could only see
patches of reality, never the whole picture. Before I knew it, the dream was all over.

Wondering if I'm leveling wrong?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


Basically, it is impossible to out-level content. All content is viable (and remains viable) once you reach it’s “minimum” level.

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