World Completion Tripping Me Up

World Completion Tripping Me Up

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ansemaru.7140


As of today, I’ve completed all of the game’s PvE maps! Cursed Shore was a surprisingly easy jaunt compared to the grueling struggle that was Malchor’s Leap, and I was all set to be done my personal goal of map completion. I was happy. The world was smiling on me.

Then I realized that I still had to complete the WvWvW maps.

I’m kind of a casual player- I don’t play every day, and sometimes I can go weeks without touching the game due to real life obligations or just due to having something else that’s caught my fancy more. It’s taken months to just get this one character through the entire PvE world, if that gives you a sense of my pace. And I’m far from a competitive person. Not once have I touched PvP, and though I’ve dabbled in WvWvW, I’ve come to discover that my main talent in it is dying.

To make matters worse, I’m not on one of the best servers for WvWvW in general. Holding a modest corner of the map is pretty typical for us, which means that if I want to explore the map safely without having to watch out for players from another server coming to wreck me, I’m confined to a small area. I can’t really see any solutions other than to start spending long periods of time in the Eternal Battlegrounds and Borderlands either waiting for new areas to open up or to improve my skills fighting against other players and in a larger-scale tactical sense if I want to complete these maps, or hope that rematches shuffle around the location of my team’s home base enough that I can get the locations I need over a longer period of time.

But I’m not keen on that solution. Tell me, forums, is there a way I can plausibly explore these maps as fast as possible without getting dragged in to long-term WvWvW participation?

World Completion Tripping Me Up

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Well firstly I’d recommend just trying it and finding out how bad it really is rather than worrying about how bad it might be.

I haven’t ever been to WvW yet but from what I’ve seen on the forums the people who have done 100% map completion (including the ones who would never go to WvW for any other reason) are always saying it’s not as bad as the people who haven’t started that map think it’s going to be.

Secondly remember that servers usually move around to different sections of the map when the matches reset. So whilst your server might only hold a little corner it could be a different little corner each time and over time you’ll get the whole map.

In this case I think you’ll have an advantage over most people complaining about WvW map completion because they usually want to go in, rush around and do the entire map in 1 go and then leave. Whereas you’re obviously willing to take your time.

So go and do the bit you can get to now. Find out how much more there is to do, where it is and what the challenges actually are in getting to it. Then keep checking back every so often to see if anything new has opened up for you.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

World Completion Tripping Me Up

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

You are right that the WvWmaps can be the hardest maps in the game. But even on the lousiest server (keep in mind your paired with other lousy servers) it is very doable if you take the time (im still doing malchor leap, and taking my time cause I don’t want tobe in your situation, I do the last two when I’ve finished WvW maps). The trick is to use the rotation. I check the maps daily (keep in mind you only have to be in one to watch them all) and almost everyday I can get one or two points. After a rotation it is frenzy, allowing me to cover a whole new corner of all 4 maps. I got myself 3 maps completed and am waiting for the last map to rotate to get the last 20%.. All in all it took me bout 3-4 hours spread over bout 2 months. So the trick is patience.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

World Completion Tripping Me Up

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

you could try do it once a week since the maps will rotate. You could try and go on a different server or as I did it you could try and do it in the mornings.