(edited by BabyMouse.1583)
World Exploration
Did you mean:
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_completion#World_completion ?
/wiki world completion is a viable in-game shortcut to the same link
World Completion applies to exploring all that Central Tyria has to offer. The wiki provided above will give you the major gist of that. Getting the world completion reward chest is repeatable (just do it on a new character); the achievement and the title “Been There. Done That.” is one-shot (once earned, never vanishes).
Part of the [PORT] mystical tour – “Marilee Mangletooth.” What main?
Something something Autechre fanatic.
World Completion which involves getting waypoints, vistas, hero points, completing hearts, and POI’s
(Regional) Explorer which is where you uncover all areas within a region. There’s one achievement for every region.