World Map Completion ?

World Map Completion ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: washac.2897


OK, I have covered all the areas on the Map and when I roll the mouse pointer over the names it tells me all 100% complete and I cannot find or see anyother areas to go too, well except the dungeons.

I must have missed some places because it tells me I have covered 92% of the map with….
Way Points still find = 25
Points of Interest = 76
Vistas = 40

What have missed where do I go, I ask because I have searched the map from east to west, north to South and can find nowhere new ???

(edited by washac.2897)

World Map Completion ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


WvW maps… done them all?

Once you have done all your WPs and Pois, etc. you will likely still have a few map locations to uncover.

Check your Explorer Echievements to see how many locations you have to discover.

You match each map to location lists on various websites (look on the wiki).

This looks like a likely link….

“Please accept my text in the jovial, friendly manner that it is intended.”

(edited by Slalom.3174)

World Map Completion ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Awesome.6120


wvw maps are right around 8%

[SFD] – Maguuma

World Map Completion ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: washac.2897


So used to running around solo I forgot about WvW etc.

Looks I will be playing some WvW in the coming week/weeks
