Worth it to buy weapon from trading post?
I would say its preatty much useless as you will level up quickly and lets say on lvl 55 a blue weapon will have better dps and stats its my opinion.
The difference between rare and mastercrafted is not great if the items are both the same level. At level 50 i crafted my own rare weapon but the green that i could craft was literally just a few points off and in my eyes if your buying gear not worth the 20 to 30 silver difference you would have to pay.
Thanks for the feedback guys! I’ll continue exploring and finding weapons on my way to 80
Most mastercraft weapons are selling for just slightly more than u get back when u vendor it later…really not much of a “cost”…stick with those til your 80 imho.
I’ve bought a greatsword (exotic lvl 80) that does max 1100 dmg for 3g 50, its a cheap buy compared to lots of other weapons.
and it has the stats I wanted