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They were level 80, almost outfitted in full exotic. But spent over $30 cash in make over kits and STILL don’t like their looks?
I am so indecisive!
I have a male Norn warrior, which makes up my only male norn and third warrior. But After all the make over kits I still can’t manage to enjoy the male norn looks. In terms of time investment he was leveled to about 30-40 then scroll’d to 80.
But spending that much money seems wasteful to me to delete him, even though I don’t ever use him.
Consider you will miss out of birthday gifts when you delete it, i would rather buy a new character slot and make a new warrior
I can’t say what you would/should do but I don’t delete alts I’ve invested much in. I might have some mostly unused ones that I activate when doing mats farming; I’d far rather buy another character slot than get rid of an alt that wasn’t born to die (temp RP characters, or my one attempt at a second thief, she was level two and total makeovered and I just couldn’t handle leveling another thief).
I know that male norns can be offputting to many. I kinda like the one I have; his looks dictated his RP personality, you can just tell he never smiles. But the best one I ever found was one a friend made that is amazingly handsome.
If you invested that much you would be better off keeping it for annual gifts and extra storage. Plus you could park it at a rich node some place for some quick extra mats to sell on the TP. So that way it isn’t a total loss.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
In terms of birthday presents, I have 20 characters, And he is going on to his fourth birthday, of 4 other characters also on their fourth.
I have two charr warriors and then him a cash sink norn haha. Here is a screenshot of him.
Edit: I just don’t like the big muscle mass of a body builder that they are, I suppose.
(edited by Riku.4821)
Like I said unless you really need the character slot and don’t want to buy a new one there is really no need to delete it. Park it at a rich node or at the end of a JP for some quick loot. I have 11 abandoned characters parked in different locations for just that. It takes me like 1 minute per character to log in and mine/jp chest and is just extra stuff.
Hmm alright, maybe one day I’ll use him again eh? Thanks for the inputs. I should probably keep better control over my wallet, make these decisions easier.
It depends on what $30 dollars means to you. If its no big deal axe it, if it is hang onto it. I have deleted 3 80s now but I had no cash investment into them. If you can’t get the look you want why suffer through it.
personally, if it was just the male norn looks that bothered me about the character, I’d buy another make over kit (cos what’s one more after all that) or identity repair and change him to a female norn.
saying that, I have deleted characters that I just couldn’t like which were level 80 and fully geared.
I think I would delete a character if I couldn’t get them looking right.
I’ve definitely made ‘practice’ versions of characters I think might work and then scrapped them because I didn’t like something about them. But then I had that possibility in mind when I made them.
The difference is I probably wouldn’t have bought total makeover kits. I’m always put off buying them for exactly this reason – I don’t want to spend the money unless I’m sure I can get a result I’ll like. I much preferred GW1’s system where you could experiment with the changes for free and only pay to make it permanent.
If you invested that much you would be better off keeping it for annual gifts and extra storage. Plus you could park it at a rich node some place for some quick extra mats to sell on the TP. So that way it isn’t a total loss.
Completely agree. If you are willing to spend that much to end up with a non-optimal look, spend a tiny bit more to keep that character and start a new one.
Plus, it’s possible that if you leave the toon alone for a few weeks, you’ll come back to it and have a new idea of how to get something you like a lot.
If you really aren’t playing, there are a couple of places you can ‘park’ the L80 so it starts returning a little of your investment. (Ordered from lowest daily value and least effort to greatest value + more trouble.)
you could always turn him into a her with dat makeover kit moolah you keep spending on him
Hmm, there is always those small features I forget about. I could list where every heart is on some maps, but I’ll forget you can swap genders. x)
Thank you for the opinions everyone.
if it was a new toon id delete it. but considering its a 4yr old toon i wouldnt delete… ive made 3 or 4 norns along the way since beta.. i’ve tried and tried to enjoy it and i always get tired of the giant slow norn. then i use kit and they end up shortest female norns and i love how they look..
In terms of birthday presents, I have 20 characters, And he is going on to his fourth birthday, of 4 other characters also on their fourth.
I have two charr warriors and then him a cash sink norn haha. Here is a screenshot of him.
Edit: I just don’t like the big muscle mass of a body builder that they are, I suppose.
Well the thing with the birthday gifts at that point is the dyes, were you can select dye that you have to buy for several hundreds of gold on TC. And there is many to pick from and why i would never delete a character.
Consider you will miss out of birthday gifts when you delete it, i would rather buy a new character slot and make a new warrior
But gifts don’t really get you anything that great. To OP, yes, I would.
Nope. I’d leave it as a mule character. It can gather birthday gifts (I have use for the scrolls and boosters), and kitted out with full bags, gives me “free” storage. Additionally, you could leave him somewhere (end of jumping puzzle or something) where you’d like to log in once a day and collect something (like flax?). And, if we get any type of content that can be done repeatedly for shinies (like lunar festival quests in GW1) he gives you one more option there.
Always a use for the unloved in our character lineup.
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